 Golem CrafterAll Iron Golems, Steel Golems and Magnetic Golems in hero's army gain +1 to their Attack and Defence for every two levels of the hero, starting on first level. |
 140 140 Master Gremlins |
 140 140 Master Gremlins |
 75 75 Steel Golems |
 75 75 Magnetic Golems |
 6 6 Storm Titans |
 9 9 Archmages |
 WindspeakerHero's turns come faster in combat depending on hero level. |
 150 150 Gremlin Saboteurs |
 115 115 Elemental Gargoyles |
 90 90 Magnetic Golems |
 63 63 Battle Mages |
 29 29 Djinn Viziers |
 11 11 Rakshasa Kshatras |
 Spell TwisterThe Spell Twister ability increases the chance that redirected enemy spells land on one of the enemy units instead of going in a random direction. |
 30 30 Archmages |
 30 30 Archmages |
 10 10 Rakshasa Rajas |
 3 3 Titans |
 45 45 Obsidian Gargoyles |
 5 5 Storm Titans |
 Griffin TrainerAll Griffins, Imperial Griffins and Battle Griffins in hero's army gain +1 to their Attack and Defense for every two levels of the hero, starting on first level. Griffins get Battle Dive Ability. |
 40 40 Imperial Griffins |
 40 40 Battle Griffins |
 19 19 Inquisitors |
 80 80 Squires |
 240 240 Conscripts |
 150 150 Archers |
 2 2 Angels |
 Siege EngineerBallista receive +1 to their Attack for every level of the hero. Catapult's chance to hit the wall is increased by 2% for every hero level. |
 12 12 Champions |
 125 125 Crossbowmen |
 10 10 Inquisitors |
 40 40 Battle Griffins |
 70 70 Vindicators |
 100 100 Marksmen |
 140 140 Brutes |
 Cavalry CommanderCavaliers, Paladins and Champions in hero's army get additional jousting bonus as hero gains new levels. Hero's "Retaliation Strike" ability is more powerful. |
 4 4 Archangels |
 12 12 Paladins |
 7 7 Inquisitors |
 70 70 Squires |
 3 3 Seraphs |
 85 85 Marksmen |
 7 7 Zealots |
 Coven MistressShadow Witches, Shadow Matriarchs and Shadow Mistresses have a chance to make a free additional shot at the hero's current target. Chance increases depending on hero level. |
 14 14 Grim Raiders |
 90 90 Blood Furies |
 8 8 Shadow Witches |
 11 11 Shadow Matriarches |
 8 8 Shadow Witches |
 80 80 Blood Sisters |
 14 14 Brisk Raiders |
 CatalystEmpowered spells mana cost is reduced by 5% and + additional 1% per hero level. |
 70 70 Stalkers |
 50 50 Minotaur Guards |
 30 30 Minotaur Taskmasters |
 15 15 Deep Hydras |
 10 10 Shadow Mistresses |
 5 5 Red Dragons |
 Poison MasterEnemy units may enter the combat already poisoned, chances depend on hero level. |
 14 14 Deep Hydras |
 14 14 Foul Hydras |
 18 18 Shadow Mistresses |
 5 5 Black Dragons |
 79 79 Assassins |
 81 81 Stalkers |
 71 71 Stalkers |
 SpellbreakerAll creatures in hero's army gain 5% Magic Resistance and + 1% per hero level. |
 70 70 Horned Overseers |
 75 75 Familiars |
 4 4 Arch Devils |
 10 10 Pit Lords |
 50 50 Succubus Mistresses |
 5 5 Arch Demons |
 80 80 Cerberi |
 Iron MaidenBallista's shots under hero's command achieves fireball effect. Spell power of this fireball increases by +1 for every five hero's level. |
 70 70 Horned Grunts |
 120 120 Familiars |
 6 6 Arch Devils |
 7 7 Pit Spawns |
 20 20 Succubus Mistresses |
 15 15 Nightmares |
 54 54 Firehounds |
 Gate KeeperThe number of creatures called through the Gating increases by 1% per hero level. |
 80 80 Vermins |
 4 4 Arch Devils |
 10 10 Pit Lords |
 24 24 Succubus Mistresses |
 22 22 Hell Stallions |
 60 60 Cerberi |
 50 50 Horned Overseers |
 Zombie LordAll Zombies, Plague Zombies and Rot Zombies in hero's army gain +1 to their Attack and Defence for every two levels of the hero, starting on first level. |
 100 100 Rot Zombies |
 25 25 Lich Masters |
 300 300 Skeleton Warriors |
 15 15 Wraiths |
 70 70 Poltergeists |
 3 3 Ghost Dragons |
 SouldrinkerThe Curse of Weakness spell not only lowers creature's damage, but also reduces creature's Defense by -1 for every three levels of the hero, starting on first level. |
 19 19 Archliches |
 8 8 Spectral Dragons |
 170 170 Skeleton Warriors |
 50 50 Vampire Princes |
 30 30 Spectres |
 30 30 Poltergeists |
 17 17 Lich Masters |
 BansheeThe effect of Banshee Howl ability increases as hero gains new levels. |
 12 12 Banshees |
 12 12 Ghost Dragons |
 9 9 Wraiths |
 170 170 Skeleton Archers |
 56 56 Vampire Lords |
 85 85 Rot Zombies |
 RiderAll Bear Riders, Blackbear Riders and Whitebear Riders in hero's army gain +1 to their Attack and Defense for every two levels of the hero, starting on first level. |
 20 20 Battleragers |
 60 60 Skirmishers |
 50 50 Whitebear Riders |
 50 50 Blackbear Riders |
 40 40 Berserkers |
 6 6 Magma Dragons |
 Sacred HammerEach time the hero casts a light magic spell on a friendly creature, there is a chance that the ‘Righteous Might' spell will be cast freely upon the affected unit. |
 3 3 Lava Dragons |
 100 100 Mountain Guards |
 40 40 Harpooners |
 15 15 Rune Patriarches |
 10 10 Flame Lords |
 100 100 Shieldguards |
 17 17 Rune Keepers |
 Sharp BladeAll Spearwielders, Skirmishers and Harpooners in hero's army gain +1 to their Attack and Defense for every two levels of the hero, starting on first level. |
 4 4 Magma Dragons |
 100 100 Shieldguards |
 90 90 Skirmishers |
 10 10 Thunder Thanes |
 80 80 Harpooners |
 25 25 Whitebear Riders |
 15 15 Rune Patriarches |
 Blood DrinkerEach killed enemy troop (summoned troops considered, too) increase the Attack of all the creatures in his army by +1 for each 6 levels of the hero. |
 110 110 Goblin Witch-Doctors |
 42 42 Centaur Marauders |
 51 51 Maulers |
 31 31 Earth Daughters |
 22 22 Chieftains |
 27 27 Executioners |
 4 4 Executioners |
 Centaur CommanderCentaurs, Centaur Nomads and Centaur Marauders in hero's army gain +1 to their Attack and Defense for every two levels of the hero, starting on first level. Moreover they get +1% to their starting initiative for every level of the hero. |
 50 50 Centaur Nomads |
 60 60 Centaur Marauders |
 110 110 Goblin Trappers |
 55 55 Warmongers |
 21 21 Earth Daughters |
 30 30 Chieftains |
 5 5 Chieftains |
 Wyvern TamerWyverns, Foul Wyverns and Paokais in hero's army gain +1 +2 to their Hit Points for every two level of the hero, starting on first level. |
 200 200 Goblin Trappers |
 200 200 Goblin Witch-Doctors |
 50 50 Maulers |
 22 22 Sky Daughters |
 13 13 Paokais |
 12 12 Foul Wyverns |
 3 3 Foul Wyverns |
 Master of the HuntAll Hunters, Master Hunters and Arcane Archers in hero's army gain +1 to their Attack and Defence for every two levels of the hero, starting on first level. |
 12 12 Ancient Treants |
 90 90 Dryads |
 33 33 Master Hunters |
 27 27 Silver Unicorns |
 31 31 High Druids |
 33 33 Arcane Archers |
 Swarm QueenWasp Swarm spell is more effective depending on hero level. |
 230 230 Sprites |
 20 20 Wind Dancers |
 40 40 Arcane Archers |
 14 14 Druid Elders |
 20 20 Silver Unicorns |
 22 22 High Druids |
 5 5 Emerald Dragons |
 Sword of SylannaAll Sylvan creatures under hero's command inflict +2% more damage to favoured enemy for every hero's level |
 90 90 Dryads |
 70 70 War Dancers |
 70 70 Wind Dancers |
 10 10 Druid Elders |
 17 17 Pristine Unicorns |
 10 10 Savage Treants |
 4 4 Crystal Dragons |