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Orson (Level 15)Orson
Somewhat lacking in charisma and natural authority, Orson realized that he was ill-equpped to lead troops that were capable of independent thought. In order to avoid having his orders questioned or ignored, he has spent years perfecting the creation of obedient Zombie troops. "Anything above the neck is useless" claims this Undead general.
» Specialty» Attributes
Zombie Lord
Zombie Lord
All Zombies, Plague Zombies and Rot Zombies in hero's army gain +1 to their Attack and Defence for every two levels of the hero, starting on first level.
  • 8
  • 6
  • 10
  • 4
  • 0
  • 2
  • 40
» Skills
Banshee Howl

Banshee Howl

Grants a hero an ability to call upon death itself in combat. All enemy living creatures receive -1 to morale, luck and -10% on initiative.

Basic Necromancy

Basic Necromancy

Unique Necromancer's skill. Allows a Necromancer to raise 20% of fallen enemy living creatures as own soldiers (A limited number of creatures can be raised per week). Influences the number of dark energy points.

Basic Necromancy
Chilling Bones

Chilling Bones

Enhances all undead troops under Necromancer's control with powerful ice enchantments. Any enemy creature which engages in melee combat with those troops will receive ice damage.



Increases hit points of all your creatures by 2 (Particularly effective for large armies)



Decreases damage dealt to your creatures by magic attacks by 15%.

Expert Defense

Expert Defense

Decreases damage dealt to your creatures in melee combat by 30%.

Expert Defense
Dead Man's Curse

Dead Man's Curse

The hero has gained an ability to affect the Luck of enemy creatures. The Luck of all enemy troops is decreased by 1.

Basic Luck

Basic Luck

Increases luck of all creatures in hero's army by 1.

Basic Luck
Power of Speed

Power of Speed

Hero acquires Mass Haste spell on advanced level.

Battle Frenzy

Battle Frenzy

Minimum and maximum damage inflicted by each creature under hero's control is increased by 1. Especially effective for armies of low level creatures.

Advanced Attack

Advanced Attack

Increases damage dealt by your creatures in melee combat by 10%.

Advanced Attack
Master of Life

Master of Life

Makes Fist of Wrath and Raise Dead spells more powerful (effective Spellpower increases by 4 for casting those spells).

Advanced Summoning Magic

Advanced Summoning Magic

Allows hero to learn Summoning Magic spells of the fourth circle and makes Summoning Magic even more effective.

Advanced Summoning Magic
» Creatures

100 Rot Zombies

25 Lich Masters

300 Skeleton Warriors

15 Wraiths

70 Poltergeists

3 Ghost Dragons

» Artefacts
Necromancer's Helm

Necromancer's Helm

Increases hero's knowledge by +2

Elemental Waistband

Elemental Waistband

Allows Summon Elemental spell to be equipped. Increases spellpower by +4 when Summon Elemental spell is cast

Ring of Vitality

Ring of Vitality

Increases maximum hit points of all creatures in hero's army by +2.

Ogre Club

Ogre Club

Increases Attack by +5, but decreases Initiative of all creatures in hero's army by -5%.

Tarot Deck

Tarot Deck

Increases hero's Luck and Knowledge by +1.

Dragon Bone Greaves

Dragon Bone Greaves

Adds +3 to hero's Spellpower and increases initiative of all melee non-flying units in hero's army by 10%

» Spells

Weakness 4

Causes the selected enemy unit to inflict less damage in combat. Spellpower determines the duration of effect.


Slow 4

Makes target enemy stack take fewer actions in combat.


Sorrow 5

Decreases morale and luck of selected enemy creature


Vulnerability 5

Destroys armor of target enemy stack, reducing its defense. Can be cast several times on a single stack, but defense will not go lower than zero.


Decay 6

Inflicts plague on target enemy stack. The stack receives earth damage each time it takes an action. (The spell does not work on undead, elemental and mechanical units).


Suffering 5

Weakens the target enemy unit to decrease its Attack.


Endurance 6

Increases the selected friendly unit's defense strength. Spellpower determines the duration of effect.

Fire Trap

Fire Trap 8

Puts randomly several magical explosive mines in a selected area of the battlefield. Mines are invisible to the enemy.

Fist of Wrath

Fist of Wrath 5

Summons magical fist to deal non-elemental physical damage to target enemy creature. This spell ignores magic resistance and protection from magic.

Raise Dead

Raise Dead 9

Reanimates creatures in target friendly stack. Undead creatures are brought back to "life", all other creatures are re-animated for the duration of the battle only. Every use of this spell decreases hit points of target stack by 20%.

Wasp Swarm

Wasp Swarm 5

Summons a swarm of insects to inflict magical damage on the selected enemy creature. (The spell does not work on undead, elemental and mechanical units.)

Phantom Forces

Phantom Forces 18

Copies the selected friendly unit (only one copy can be made). The copy can't cast any spell or use any ability and disappears as soon as it receives any damage. (Incorporeal ability gives the copy 50% chance to avoid any damage).

Blade Barrier

Blade Barrier 12

Temporarily creates a wall, three squares long, on the selected part of the field. The wall has additional 75% Defense only suffers 25% damage from the Range and Magical Attacks and returns physical damage equal to the number of lost Hit Points to the melee attackers.

Summon Elementals

Summon Elementals 17

Summons fire, earth, water or air elementals (depending on the battlefield terrain) to fight for the hero's cause.

Summon Hive

Summon Hive 15

Creates a wasp hive on the selected place of the field. A swarm of wasps from this hive will attack enemy creatures until the end of combat or until the hive is attacked and destroyed (The hive will not attack undead, elemental and mechanical units).

» War Machines


Orson starts with a Ballista.
This information comes from the Heroes V release version (v3.0).

Thanks to sfidanza for the work on this page.
Thanks to ThE_HyDrA for creating and looking after the Heroes 5 section of Age of Heroes!

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