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Klaus (Level 15) |  |
Rigorously trained but coming from a poor noble family in a backwater of the Griffin Empire, Klaus might have remained unknown if luck had not smiled upon him. Thrust into the most difficult level of a jousting tournament through a simple accident of misfiled parchment, he stunned the crowds by unseating some of the greatest names of the Empire. Since that day, his feats have earned him the devotion of all mounted warriors. |
» Specialty | » Attributes |
 - Cavalry Commander
- Cavaliers, Paladins and Champions in hero's army get additional jousting bonus as hero gains new levels. Hero's "Retaliation Strike" ability is more powerful.
| |
» Skills |
 Retaliation StrikeThe knight receives special combat ability to guard any selected creature in his army until the end of combat by inflicting direct damage to every enemy that is attacking this guarded creature.
 BenedictionThe Knight receives special combat ability to temporarily raise the morale, initiative, attack and defense of his troops (doesn't work on undead and mechanical).
 Advanced CounterstrikeUnique knight's skill. Allows to upgrade limited number of human troops up the tier every week. Only works within Haven towns where Training Grounds facility has been built. Reduces training cost by 15%. Besides, damage dealt by knight's troops on retaliation strikes is increased by 10%.
Advanced Counterstrike |
 TacticsIncreases the area in which the hero can rearrange creatures before combat.
 Advanced AttackIncreases damage dealt by your creatures in melee combat by 10%.
Advanced Attack |
 ProtectionDecreases damage dealt to your creatures by magic attacks by 15%.
 EvasionDecreases damage dealt to your creatures by ranged attacks by 20%.
 Advanced DefenseDecreases damage dealt to your creatures in melee combat by 20%.
Advanced Defense |
 Guardian AngelWhen all the knight's troops fall dead in combat, an Angel, summoned on a field of battle, resurrects the most powerful group of dead creatures and disappears.
 Master of BlessingsGrants mass effects to Divine Strength and area effect to Cleansing spells, but doubles the casting cost of these spells. Hero wastes only a halve of his current initiative to cast these spells
 Master of AbjurationGrants mass effects to Deflect Missile and Endurance spells, but doubles the casting cost of these spells. Hero wastes only a halve of his current initiative to cast these spells
 Expert Light MagicAllows hero to learn Light Magic spells of the fifth circle and gives maximum power to Light Magic.
Expert Light Magic |
» Creatures |
 4 Archangels |
 12 Paladins |
 7 Inquisitors |
 70 Squires |
 3 Seraphs |
 85 Marksmen |
 7 Zealots |
4 | 12 | 7 | 70 | 3 | 85 | 7 |
» Artefacts |
 Sword of MightAdds +2 to hero's attack. |
 Ring of BanishmentCuts down enemy Summoning spell's efficiency. Grants the "Banish" ability to the Hero. |
 Necklace of the LionIncreases morale by +1. |
 Cape of the Lion's ManeIncreases morale by +2. |
 Dragon Scale ShieldAdds +3 to hero's defense and increases initiative of all small creatures in hero's army by 5% |
 Lion CrownIncreases hero's morale and luck by +2. |
» Spells |
 Eldritch Arrow 4Shoots magic missile to deal non-physical damage to the selected enemy creature. |
 Haste 4Causes the selected friendly unit to act more frequently in combat. |  Divine Strength 4Causes the selected friendly unit to inflict more damage in combat. Spellpower determines the duration of effect. |  Cleansing 10Dispels positive magic effects from enemy creatures and negative magic effects from friendly creatures. Checks against caster level to dispel effects, so low level caster would be unlikely to dispel magic cast by high level mage. |  Endurance 6Increases the selected friendly unit's defense strength. Spellpower determines the duration of effect. |  Deflect Missile 6Makes the selected friendly unit receive less damage from ranged attacks. |  Divine Vengeance 14Inflicts magical damage to selected creature that depends on the number of enemies selected creature killed from the beginning of combat. |  Resurrection 15Permanently resurrects creatures in target friendly stack. Every use of this spell will decrease the hit points of the target stack by 10% of the initial hit points, until the end of the combat. |
» War Machines |
 First Aid Tent Klaus starts with a First Aid Tent. |
This information comes from the Heroes V release version (v3.0).
You can discuss Heroes V duel Knights with the Heroes Community.
Thanks to sfidanza for the work on this page.
Thanks to ThE_HyDrA for creating and looking after the Heroes 5 section of Age of Heroes!
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