Slow 4Makes target enemy stack take fewer actions in combat. |  Vulnerability 5Destroys armor of target enemy stack, reducing its defense. Can be cast several times on a single stack, but defense will not go lower than zero. |
 Stone spikes 5Deals earth damage to all creatures in target area (cross form) |  Eldritch Arrow 4Shoots magic missile to deal non-physical damage to the selected enemy creature. |  Lightning Bolt 5Deals lightning damage to selected enemy unit. |  Ice Bolt 6Deals ice damage to selected enemy unit. |  Firewall 16Creates a wall of fire in the selected area on battlefield. Deals fire damage to all creatures in this area during several turns. |  Fireball 10Deals fire damage to all units in the target area. |  Meteor Shower 19Deals massive earth damage to all creatures in target area. |  Chain Lightning 16Deals massive lightning damage to several adjacent creatures (up to 4), starting with the selected one. Every next creature in the chain gets the half of the damage inflicted to the previous one. (The chain can hit the own creatures) |
 Divine Strength 4Causes the selected friendly unit to inflict more damage in combat. Spellpower determines the duration of effect. |  Haste 4Causes the selected friendly unit to act more frequently in combat. |  Cleansing 10Dispels positive magic effects from enemy creatures and negative magic effects from friendly creatures. Checks against caster level to dispel effects, so low level caster would be unlikely to dispel magic cast by high level mage. |  Endurance 6Increases the selected friendly unit's defense strength. Spellpower determines the duration of effect. |
 Fist of Wrath 5Summons magical fist to deal non-elemental physical damage to target enemy creature. This spell ignores magic resistance and protection from magic. |  Fire Trap 8Puts randomly several magical explosive mines in a selected area of the battlefield. Mines are invisible to the enemy. |  Arcane Crystal 8Creates a crystal on the selected place on the field, blocking the way until the end of combat or until the crystal is attacked and destroyed. |  Wasp Swarm 5Summons a swarm of insects to inflict magical damage on the selected enemy creature. (The spell does not work on undead, elemental and mechanical units.) |  Blade Barrier 12Temporarily creates a wall, three squares long, on the selected part of the field. The wall has additional 75% Defense only suffers 25% damage from the Range and Magical Attacks and returns physical damage equal to the number of lost Hit Points to the melee attackers. |  Phantom Forces 18Copies the selected friendly unit (only one copy can be made). The copy can't cast any spell or use any ability and disappears as soon as it receives any damage. (Incorporeal ability gives the copy 50% chance to avoid any damage). |  Summon Elementals 17Summons fire, earth, water or air elementals (depending on the battlefield terrain) to fight for the hero's cause. |  Arcane Armor 20Encloses target stack with magical energy shield that partly drains all damage dealt to the stack. |
 Conjure Phoenix 35Summons a phoenix on the battle field to fight on the hero's side. Only one phoenix can be summoned at a time |