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Posted by ThE_HyDrA at 11:59, 18 Jan 2006:
Heroes V: More News, Interviews, and Screenshots

Continuing the Heroes V silly-season with its 4th interview/preview in 8 days, the staff from sat down with the Nival boys yesterday to discuss the game. You can read a translated version here. As always, to read the most recent previews from around the world, visit the News and Interviews Section.

Two new screenshots were revealed on Nival's Site today. One of them showcases the Gold Dragon, but alas, the screenshot is too small to see it clearly. See them at the bottom of this page. These screenshots were released due to the impending publication of the 'Best of Computer Games 2006' impressions of the game.

In other news, La Torre de Marfil are holding an International Contest for Heroes III mapmakers, in addition to an online tournament. The winner of either competition will receive Heroes of Might and Magic V!

Nival has also informed its fans that they can collect 6 Heroes of Might and Magic V cards in "The Countries of Games" Magazine, starting with issue 2 this year. Collecting all 6 cards will make the person eligible for a prize draw, details of which will be revealed in the magazine.

Posted by Valeriy at 00:02, 18 Jan 2006:
Heroes 4 Card and Tile Game: Second Official Scenario

The second scenario of the Order of Light campaign called Vengence Served has just been released for the Heroes 4 Card and Tile Game:

The wizard whose town you reclaimed is grateful and elated, but these emotions soon pass as he realizes that without retribution, his kingdom will come under constant fire by would-be usurpers. He offers mastery of the secrets of death to whoever can unseat his former conqueror.

The scenario can be downloaded in the new Campaign/Scenario Downloads section.

Posted by Valeriy at 19:45, 17 Jan 2006:
Heroes Community Spotlight: WOG Puzzles and Lots of Humour

Vlaad has started a weekly puzzle thread and his puzzles are based on HOMM 3.5 - The WOG Addon. The first week's puzzle has been solved, and the next one has just been posted - Vlaad's Weekly Wog.
Also see the WoG Quizzzzz!!!

And if you feel like a good laugh, there are dozens and dozens of jokes and funny images posted in:
Leo's House of Humour, Fun, Funny and Jokes! and Humor Thread :)

Posted by ThE_HyDrA at 12:16, 16 Jan 2006:
Heroes V: Another Article plus 8 Screenshots

Russian site Reborn have posted their Impressions Article. It seemingly does not contain any new information, and is more of a primer for fans new to the series. You can read the rough translation here. Due to the quality of the translation, you might find the Russian easier. Once again, help in translating this is much appreciated. also released 8 new screenshots, which are well-worth seeing, at their site, or, alternatively, in our Official Screenshots Gallery.

Posted by ThE_HyDrA at 02:50, 16 Jan 2006:
Heroes V: Click! Combat Article, New Features Page

The newly released article featuring combat and new additions to Heroes V by Polish magazine, Click!, has been translated by boards member CaRoSh. You can see the complete translation in our News and Interviews section, here.

In addition to this and other smaller updates, I have added a New Features page, which describes the four new modes being added to Heroes V to make it a new and unique experience. We've also clarified that the longer the opposing player takes to end their turn, the more energy the Ghost gains, encouraging quick turns.

Posted by Valeriy at 20:20, 15 Jan 2006:
Heroes V: Campaigns, Multiplayer Duel mode and Ghost mode

CaRoSh has made a full translation of the Polish magazine article announced yesterday. Here are some more details:
• The game is divided into six campaigns - one for every fraction, i.e. Haven, Inferno, Necropolis, Academy, Sylvan, Dungeon - with five missions apiece.
• Aside from single player, hot-seat and standard multiplayer, HOMM5 will have Duel Mode and Ghost Mode.
• Duel mode involves two players selecting a hero with determined army, skills and artifacts and fighting it out on the battlefield - there will be 3 rounds and the player with 2 or more victories will be the winner.
• Ghost mode gives each player a ghost (and later multiple ghosts) that can be controlled during the opponent's turn. The ghosts can explore the map and follow the active player. It seems that ghosts' energy will depend on how well the opponent is doing, or how much he is exploring. The ghost can use this energy to improve one of its six skills - haunt, posses, curse, devour, guard and vision. Ghost can curse the enemy hero to decrease his/her stats, or posess neutral troops to give the ghost's owner battle control of the neutrals when the opponent attacks them.

It is yet unclear whether you will have a set of ghosts for each of the human opponents, or only one set of ghosts. Perhaps the power of your ghosts is proportional to the power of your opponent, or maybe it is one ghost for every enemy hero. These details are not yet known. HC Discussion Here.

Posted by Valeriy at 19:23, 14 Jan 2006:
Combat in Heroes 5: Polish Magazine Article

A post on ubi forums shows a scan from from a Polish magazine article. There's a battle screenshoot with some of the combat dynamics explained:

• The battlefield will be 8x10 squares, this was decided after many tests.
• Heroes cannot be attacked but they can attack enemy creatures and cast spells.
• "Dynamic Mode" will give you only 10-15 seconds to move each creature.
• Tactics phase: before the battle, both sides will place their units on the first two rows of battlefield.
• Initiative bar shows the order in which creatures get their turn to act - it depends on the creatures' initiative, spells cast on them, etc.

The article also talks about the Ghost Mode. When enabled, a player will be able to control a "ghost" during the opponent's turn and move it around on the opponent's territory. Ghost can: haunt, posess, curse, devour, guard and vision. Posessing a neutral stack gives the ghost's owner battle control of the neutrals when the opponent attacks them.

Thanks to Val-Gaav and CaRoSh for posting the article and translating it. HC discussion here.

Posted by ThE_HyDrA at 12:26, 14 Jan 2006:
Heroes V: Page Updates

In the wake of the newly released wad of screenshots, the bulk of the Dungeon and Sylvan buildings pages have been overhauled. In addition to this, all of the new Map Locations seen in the screenshots have been added to their respective sections. There are also numerous other small interface updates that were made possible by the new visuals. Explore the section and see if you can find them. For the latest updates in the Heroes of Might and Magic V section, check the Updates Box in the middle of the page.

Posted by Valeriy at 23:36, 13 Jan 2006:
Heroes of Might and Magic 5: Open Beta Test - January 19th!

The Open Beta Test for Heroes of Might and Magic 5 will begin on January 19th (official announcement). This is an amazing opportunity for everyone to play the game before release and to report back to the designers about gameplay, balance and features. We will keep you posted as more details about the open beta become available. Open Beta discussion at HC.

Posted by ThE_HyDrA at 09:29, 13 Jan 2006:
Heroes V: A New Article and another 22 Screenshots

Heroes of Might and Magic V fans have been treated to a visual delight today, with no less than 22 new screenshots being revealed by various sources. Among other things, the new screenshots offer a first glimpse at the in-town screens of the Dungeon and Sylvan, and the ominous Black Dragon! Screenshots were released by Tiscali Games, the Nival Forums, and finally, at CRPG, where you can also find a new preview for the game. You can see the gallery of the compiled screenshots in Official Screenshots Gallery 1 and 2.

For non-Russian speakers, we have provided a rough translation. We are hoping that it will be improved, so it is more easily understood, within the next few days. If you're a Russian speaker and you're willing to help out, contact us here

In other news, information about the Heroes V Limited Edition version has been made available on the Ubisoft Store section. The Limited Edition of Heroes V will include: "videos, screenshots, and artwork as well as the game soundtrack, [and] full versions of both [Heroes III and IV] games remastered to be Windows® XP compatible."

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