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Posted by Valeriy at 20:43, 29 Oct 2005:
Artists of Might and Magic Contest

There's $5000 worth of prizes for the top three artists who create the best original poster based on the graphical style of Heroes of Might and Magic V. This is an official contest ran by Nival Interactive and Ubisoft. Read more about the contest here. If you'd like to show your contest submissions to the world, e-mail me and we can put them up on Age of Heroes.

Posted by Valeriy at 10:48, 29 Oct 2005:
Heroes 5: Starforce Copy Protection

Many concerns were raised by fans about the implementation of Starforce copy protection utility in Heroes of Might and Magic 5. In his final report on the matter Fabrice Cambounet explained that based on data collected from distibution of Starforce-protected games, there is an average of 1 problem reported per 10,000 game copies sold. According to Fabrice, 95-100% of the reported problems are solved with the help of Starforce or Ubisoft support staff, leaving only a tiny fraction of affected users. Fabrice suspects that the remaining problems are due to CD manufacturing problems, as they only occured with one game title.

Posted by ThE_HyDrA at 10:10, 28 Oct 2005:
Heroes V: Hero Poll, Screenshots Update

Ubisoft is holding a poll on which main Heroes V hero you would most like to see converted into a figurine! You can choose between the demon Agrael and the Knight Isabel. The figurines will be 4 inches tall and hand-painted. To cast your vote, visit the Heroes V Figurine thread in the forums.

In the Ubisoft release of Heroes IV Complete, containing the original Heroes IV and both expansions, came some new screenshots of Heroes V. Heroes Community and Round Table member Paladin posted these shots in our forums. Our Heroes V section has been updated accordingly, view the Other Screenshots section.

Even more new teasers were released today, with Nival having released four new screenshots on their website, with one containing an in-game view of the Sylvan town. These screenshots have been added to the Official Screenshots page.

Posted by Valeriy at 20:59, 27 Oct 2005:
Heroes 4 CTG: Official Torunaments

Official results of the Huntsville Heroes 4 Card and Tile Game Tournament are up.

Two new tournaments have been announced: in Huntsville and University of Maryland College Park.

Posted by ThE_HyDrA at 11:44, 27 Oct 2005:
Community News: The Way of the…

In order to get the fans’ opinions on the Heroes V renditions of fan-favourite creatures from previous Heroes games, Heroes Community members Vlaad and Titanium Alloy have created a number of “The Way of the…” threads. These threads showcase the evolution of some of the Heroes Series’ most famous units. It pits one creature from every series (where possible) against its evolution, and the posters vote on the most successful iteration.

People aren't responding too well to the harsh treatment of the new slave-like Minotaur, with Heroes III clearly dominating the poll with a staggering 20 votes. The bulkier Heroes V Minotaur has a meagre 2 votes. It seems as though size isn't everything...

In one of the most radically changing creatures designs, the Vampire, the polling is quite even, with the Heroes II's Blah! Vampire leading the way on 14 votes. The gigantic sword is not helping with the Heroes V Vampire's success, are the graphics getting progressively worse or are players just more critical these days?

The Way of the... Vampire, Bone Dragon, Angel, Skeleton, Hydra, Peasant, Sprite, Nightmare, Minotaur, Titan, Lich, Devil, Ghost.

Posted by ThE_HyDrA at 12:20, 26 Oct 2005:
Heroes V Beta Test Stage 2

Fabrice Cambounet has officially announced the commencement of the Second Beta Test Stage today on the Official Forums. Unfortunately, if you have not received an e-mail yet, it may be that it cannot fight it's way through the various filters in your e-mail, or you are not one of the lucky ones...

Those who have been selected for the first time will have to download the full version, while those who are previous testers need only download a small patch.

Don't despair if you weren't selected! Even after the 200+ selected for the second stage of the beta (on top of the 1000+ already in), there are further pushes planned for early-mid November. You must have registered at already though. Good luck!

Posted by Valeriy at 21:07, 25 Oct 2005:
Heroes 4 Collectible Card and Tile Game

If you've been visiting Heroes Community, you've seen the banners and the new official forum. Heroes of Might and Magic 4 can now be played without a computer. In fact some players say that Heroes 4 card game is more like what Heroes 4 should be than the computer version!

In partnership with the game producer, we bring you the exclusive preview of Heroes 4 Collectible Card and Tile Game. You can now view the HTML version of the game manual and browse a gallery of about 250 of the game's cards - Skills, Locations, Artifacts and all cards of the Nature alignment. There are about 650 cards in the game, and the gallery will be completed shortly, one alignment at a time.

We are working in close partnership with the H4CTG producer to bring you more interesting features in the near future. Meanwhile, I invite all players to send in interesting articles and photographs of game sessions in progress.

Posted by Valeriy at 21:04, 25 Oct 2005:
So... What is new?

The site has grown by about 300 pages so I'm afraid there's no short answer to that question.
Here are some brief highlights:

ThE_HyDrA, top quality poster of Heroes Community, has put together a complete Heroes of Might and Magic 5 section with all of the info that we could find on the Internet. There are dozens of pages that cover different aspects of the game, plus large galleries of screenshots, artwork and video captures.

Together with Lich and ThE_HyDrA we've put together a complete Heroes of Might and Magic 4 section with an excellent balance of in-depth information and detailed tactics. There are over 100 brand new pages.

HOMM3 veterans may remember The Nether Gods, a once great HOMM3 website that closed down in the year 2000. Its webmaster, Demoniak, gave me permission to preserve the great materials of their web site on Age of Heroes. I've used The Nether Gods materials, the old Age of Heroes pages and filled up the blanks to put together a complete Heroes of Might and Magic 3 section of over 130 pages.

Together with Steven Lieberman we've put together a comprehensive Heroes of Might and Magic 1 section that covers creatures, heroes, castles, artifacts and spells of the game that started it all.

Posted by Valeriy at 21:02, 25 Oct 2005:
Working Together

For the last five years I've been striving to create a complete Heroes of Might and Magic web site. Two times I've built great plans, and then failed. I've once designed a great HOMM site layout with the functions to post articles and news, to integrate discussions, etc. Once the programming was completed I looked at the content - there was virtually none. All of it had to be made. Overwhelmed, I gave up. One of the biggest lessons has been that I cannot do it alone. I've learned this lesson from Heroes Community - The Mod Squad where we rely on each other to accomplish what would drive one person insane.

The new Age of Heroes is a team of people. My fortune has been great to encounter Lich and ThE_HyDrA thanks to whom the content-making workload became manageable and three of us could do it in several months. I want to work as a team with webmasters of other websites too. Tournament of Honor, the longest-running online HOMM tournament, has been a strong partner of Heroes Community since day 1, and now we are integrating our sites together, so that each can offer the functionality of the other while remaining independent and doing what it does best. The new HC Menu is making this possible.

I invite webmasters of all other Heroes of Might and Magic websites to work together. I'm building a links database that makes it easy for our visitors to find all of the web's HOMM websites inside a user-friendly categorised system. I will also gladly announce the news of any other HOMM website as long as it's not a duplicate of what we already have at AOH or of what we plan to have in the near future. So let's keep in touch and work together. It's a game of being the best that we can be, together as a commnity.

Posted by Valeriy at 20:57, 25 Oct 2005:
Age of Heroes Advertising Network

By managing advertising on this web site effectively I can earn an income that will allow me to run AOH / HC for a living, resulting in a much better website. I will also be able to reward the main contributors with copies of the game, books, music or other prizes that they deserve for their good work. Visitors will see game-related advertising that will be interesting and informative for them, not some annoying lottery pop-ups or flashing instant approval credit card banners. Advertisers will gain access to a quality audience, and will support the fans and fan sites through their advertising budget. The best for everyone. This is what the AOH Advertising Network stands for.

Age of Heroes and Heroes Community will now have no more than one advertisement per page. No more pop-ups or unrelated and annoying advertisements, only banners that promote computer games and entertainment that we are all interested in. If you are involved in a company that could benefit from advertising on Age of Heroes, visit the Advertising section to find out more.

I shouldn't be the only webmaster that benefits from this undertaking. Age of Heroes Advertising Network is designed with the capability to manage advertising for webmasters of other quality gaming websites, taking care of the whole process for them and returning funds that will offset the server costs and provide rewards to their webmasters and contributors. Game developers, website publishers and site visitors can work as a mutually-supporting community where each of the three parties benefits the other two.

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