Posted by GenieLord at 14:53, 1 Aug 2007:
Video Game Contest and Final Round of the Faction Contest
The final round of the "Altar of Wishes: Weekly Faction Contest" has come. After creating factions for Centaurs, Trolls, Werewolves, far-east races, Pirates and H3 Dungeon's races, in this round, the competitors will create factions for the Nagas. If you think you have good ideas, you can post them here.
A new contest of designing video game has been opened by William. If you have original ideas for a new video game, you can post them here. For further information about the contest, click here.
Posted by ThE_HyDrA at 13:25, 23 Jul 2007:
More TotE Updates and Legends of the Ancients
As we draw nearer to the release of Tribes of the East (as evidenced here, with Amazon's German counterpart listing its release as the 20th of September), more and more information continues to flow.
The official site released 6 more screenshots, available in our gallery, mainly focused on combat, with a few good looks at the upper tier creatures for the Stronghold.
In addition to this came a lengthy Russian preview of the game at For those of us who cannot read Russian, HC Member Geny has been kind enough to provide us with a translation, and has also been aptly rewarded for his efforts.
Moving away from TotE, the ambitious Legends of the Ancients team, headed by Marzhin of Celestial Heavens, have completed the first chapter, available in French and English. Download it on their official site.
Posted by ThE_HyDrA at 03:36, 16 Jul 2007:
New Tribes of the East Screenshots and Video!
After a rather barren break from new TotE expansion information, some fresh screenshots have been posted, courtesy of Eternor of the Celestial Heavens Round Table Forums. They are of course now available in our gallery.
On the topic of screenshots, keep up to date with the TotE thread at HC, as it is always up-to-date with the latest info, and has now hit 100 pages! Look on 97 and 99 for some unofficial screenshots (the latter includes an artifact set bonus shot). Thanks to EvilP for those shots.
Edit: Heroes Centrum have a video up showcasing the beginning of the Orc campaign. The audio and visual quality is poor, but the images are discernible. See them in their three parts: 1, 2 and 3.
Posted by GenieLord at 19:35, 14 Jul 2007:
Interesting discussions about TotE expansion
1. On Alternatives Comparison thread (by Doomforge), HC members compare the alternative upgrades to the original ones, to look for the best option.
2. An interesting poll was made by Daystar: Which creature would you like to see as the 7th level creature of the orcs town; Pao Kai, Behemoth or Cyclops. Eventhough Cyclopses have been chosen officially, according to the poll, most of the players prefer the Behemoths.
3. On this thread (by Doomforge) there's a conversation about the new abilities that come in TotE, their usefulness, and their tactical uses.
4. On this poll we are asked if we are happy with H5 orcs faction. Most of the participants say they are happy with H5 orcs faction, but many say they can't be sure till the expansion is out.
Information and other discussions about TotE can be found here.
Posted by GenieLord at 15:58, 9 Jul 2007:
H5 Fortress to Conflux transformation pack
Great news for the Conflux fans: A group of Heroes Community members, led by Radar, has been working recently on a patch that will enter Conflux into Heroes of Might and Magic 5, instead of Fortress. The patch should be ready in no longer than a month.
The creatures line up will include (from the lowest to the highest tier): Pixie, Dryad, Air Elemental, Strom Elemental, Water Elemental, Ice Elemental, Psychic Elemental, Magic Elemental, Fire Elemental, Energy Elemental, Earth Elemental, Magma Elemental, Firebird and Phoenix. The Creatures' statistics will be fitted to their new tiers. Wolves will replace the Pixies at Sylvan.
Further details can be found here.
Posted by sfidanza at 23:41, 19 Jun 2007:
H5 ToE: alternate Fortress upgrades
As we're nearing the end of the weekly faction round-up, Fortress alternative upgrades have been revealed today by Ubisoft. The screenshots have been circulating in the community since monday morning, and you have to admit, the new dwarves have some serious weapons and armors!! That's some great piece of graphic work from Nival!
Concerning the stats and abilities, it's also a really good batch of updates. The Stone Defenders (Lvl.1) are even more defensive, and the Battlerager (Lvl.4) promises to be a real asset for more aggressive strategies, especially against high level creatures. With 25% more Hit Points than the Berserkers, they will also be more durable. The Thunder Thane (Lvl.6), despite his (temporary?) name, will master the fire element, where its cousin the Warlord masters the Lightning. With the Lava Dragon (Lvl.7) still immune to fire, and the Rune Keeper (Lvl.5) immune as well, we can bet Armageddon strategies will become even more popular!