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Haven is one of the recurring factions in Heroes. Being in Heroes 6, Haven is the only faction that has appeared in all editions as a vanilla faction.
Like its predecessors, Haven consists of mainly humans, however, Heroes 6 introduces a new type of non-human unit aside from the Griffin and Angel, the Glory. The Glory is a spiritual being; it and its upgrade are well known to be controversial, with not only their place being highly debated but also their existence as a copy of the Light Elemental. Despite the Glory controversy, Haven's other creatures have been relatively well received by fans.
In Heroes 6 and in Ashan in general, Haven is a feudal Holy Empire, protected by medieval knights and monks with access to “Light” Magic and “angelic” elite troops. Its inspiration is mediaeval Western Europe (for the general atmosphere and design), Imperial Rome (for the military organization and “Pax Romana” concept), the Knights Templar (for the sense of religious mission), and Victorian England (for the puritanical nature and strict class division).
Associated colours: Azure blue, white and gold
Symbols: The “solar cross”, the sun, the falcon, the sword
Worship: Elrath, the Dragon of Light, and its first servants - the Angels
Core philosophy: “Law & Order” rather than “Good & Mercy”
Country / kingdom: The Holy Empire
Capital city: Falcon's Reach
“For Honor, Order and Duty”
The human kingdoms, unified into an Empire by the Falcon dynasty, have thrived since the end of the Mythic Ages and their sophisticated civilization has been dominating both military and politically. They became allies to the Angels, children of Elrath, the Dragon God of Light, and of this pact, the Holy Empire was born.
The Haven nobles are excited when they hear that a Demon invasion has been prophesized. This is the chance for them to demonstrate their superiority to all other factions for the first time in history, by brilliantly and courageously shining in the exciting battles about to come. Their empire is ready to take place as the legitimate defenders of Ashan.
Elrath, the Dragon of Light, and its first servants - the Angels.
Haven is a feudal Holy Empire, protected by medieval knights and monks. They worship Elrath, the Dragon God of Light, who grants them magical powers based on the elemental dominion. Their objective is to lead a life worthy of Elrath's ideals of Truth and Purity to shape the world in his image and to spread his sacred light.
The Holy Empire is a theocracy. In theory the Emperor has absolute rule, but in reality the land is chopped up into 6 Duchies and countless baronies, so at least one of these regions is always in some sort of revolt.
The Holy Empire is a feudal theocracy. In theory the Emperor has absolute rule, but in reality the countryside is chopped up into six Duchies, dozens of baronies, at least nine so-called “independent states”, and so forth, so that much of the Emperor's time is spent juggling his various nobles. Frequently at least one of these regions is in some sort of revolt, though these are rarely serious or bloody.
The origins of the theocratic state are complex, but much is due to the presence of the Angels, the chosen children of Elrath. Though they were decimated in ancient wars, their energy and charisma convinced the humans living in their domains to turn from the worship of Ylath, the Dragon of Air, to embrace the cult of Elrath. They are seldom seen in the Holy Empire, but they have had a great impact on its history and culture.
Imperial public architecture is heavy and ornate, in the flamboyant gothic style. Every inch is covered in sculpture, statues, and friezes.
The average Haven city is surrounded by a high, thick wall with crenulations, watchtowers, siege engine emplacements and more.
Haven solely relies on Light, the "holy" magic of Elrath and his ideals of Truth, Justice, and Purity.
The human nations, once divided into dozens of pretty kingdoms and savage clans became allies to the Angels, children of Elrath, and of this pact, the Holy Empire was born. The Imperial Nobles are excited when they hear that a Demon invasion has been prophesized. They see it as a chance to demonstrate their superiority to all other factions for the first time in history, by brilliantly and courageously shining in the exciting battles about to come. Their empire is ready to take its place as the legitimate defenders of Ashan.
Haven troops are composed of both human champions, like knights and priests, and mythical creatures like griffins and angels. They make excellent defensive fighters, and are legendary for getting their enemies to fight on the ground of their choosing. They often win in the long run by resisting their opponents’ assaults and preserving the freshness of their troops.
Buffing and healing magic, highly resilient troops, very high morale.
Focused on melee fighting, lack of aggressiveness.