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Brand |  |
Arkath the Dragon of Fire favours Brand, a sombre and unsociable Warlord whose face is hidden by a red cloth. It is rumoured that, in his youth, Brand made a mistake when experimenting with the Runes and suffered terrible scorches. This accident, however, did not deter him from continuing his studies. It is for his persistence and devotion that Arkath blesses him, rewarding him with supernatural ability in Rune Magic. |
» Specialty | » Attributes |
 - Rune Artist
- Chances of success with Fine Rune feat are increased by 20% from the start and by +1% for every level.
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» Skills |
 - Advanced Runelore
- Allows magical runes of 3-4 circles to be placed on own creatures in combat, temporarily giving them new battle abilities and characteristics.
 - Fine Rune
- There is a 50% chance of not using up resources on rune activation.
Ebba |  |
Among the Dwarves' most amazing heroines stands Ebba, small and ruthless, who was brought up by a family of bears. When she first appeared among them, few recognised that this nubbin of feral frenzy was in fact a Dwarf. But Ebba soon gained prestige and even the loyalty and adoration of those stern warriors of the North, the Bear Riders. |
» Specialty | » Attributes |
 - Rider
- All Bear Riders, Blackbear Riders and Whitebear Riders in hero's army gain +1 to their Attack and Defense for every two levels of the hero, starting on first level.
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» Skills |
 - Basic Runelore
- Allows magical runes of 1-2 circles to be placed on own creatures in combat, temporarily giving them new battle abilities and characteristics.
 - Basic Attack
- Increases damage dealt by your creatures in melee combat by 5%.
 - Tactics
- Increases the area in which the hero can rearrange creatures before combat.
Erling |  |
The tame white owl, Trolinga, who slumbers peacefully on Erling's shoulder, was with him when Erling returned from an extended winter trapping expedition. Questions about it meet only with a secretive smile. As well as the owl, Erling returned from that journey with a profound knowledge of Dwarven Rune Magic, and many Dwarves wonder just exactly where he went that winter, and who he met. |
» Specialty | » Attributes |
 - Keeper of the Flame
- All Rune Priests, Rune Patriarchs and Rune Keepers in hero's army gain +1 to their Attack and Defense for every two levels of the hero, starting on first level.
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» Skills |
 - Basic Runelore
- Allows magical runes of 1-2 circles to be placed on own creatures in combat, temporarily giving them new battle abilities and characteristics.
 - Advanced Sorcery
- Speeds up hero's casting in combat. Interval between two consecutive spell casts is reduced by 20%.
Inga |  |
This child of famous stonemasons did not turn out as expected. Instead of shaping the rock, Inga claimed to be able to "hear" it. Growing up, she spent so much of her time with the Rune Priests, studying the mysterious songs she heard in the bedrock, that she left her uncomprehending family to join them. Her attunement to the hidden whisperings of Arkath has helped her develop into an outstanding leader of the Rune Priests. |
» Specialty | » Attributes |
 - Master of the Runes
- With each level-up, the hero can spontaneously learn one more Runic Spell.
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» Skills |
 - Basic Runelore
- Allows magical runes of 1-2 circles to be placed on own creatures in combat, temporarily giving them new battle abilities and characteristics.
 - Basic Enlightenment
- Hero receives +1 to one of his primary stats for every four levels including the levels already got and + 5% bonus to the experience gained.
 - Scholar
- Allows hero to teach other heroes and learn from them, effectively trading spells between spell books.
Ingvar |  |
During the War Under the Mountain, it fell to Ingvar to protect Frostclef Pass. Only a handful of the three hundred Defenders survived, most of those from Ingvar's unit. Since then, the Warlord has become known as one of the Stone Halls' greatest commanders, and simple warriors -- the Defenders -- are his steadfast supporters in all his battles. |
» Specialty | » Attributes |
 - Protector
- All Defenders, Shieldguards and Mountain Guards in hero's army gain +1 to their Attack and Defense for every two levels, and +1 to their Hit Points for every five levels of the hero.
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» Skills |
 - Basic Runelore
- Allows magical runes of 1-2 circles to be placed on own creatures in combat, temporarily giving them new battle abilities and characteristics.
 - Basic Defense
- Decreases damage dealt to your creatures in melee combat by 10%.
 - Vitality
- Increases hit points of all your creatures by 2 (Particularly effective for large armies)
King Tolghar (Campaign Hero) |  |
Though a good man, Tolghar lives in constant fear: fear that he is not good enough for his people; fear that he is not pure enough for his god; fear that he may be taking the wrong decisions; fear that the chaos surrounding his country will eventually affect him. He is easily manipulated by counsellors and kin who have learnt to play his fears like a "bhak-zad" -- the Dwarven pipe organ that uses the hot air from lava vents to send bass notes echoing across their great caverns. |
» Specialty | » Attributes |
 - King of the Stone Halls
- All creatures in hero's army have "Rune of Thunderclap" effect permanently active (refreshes at the start of creature turn).
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» Skills |
 - Advanced Runelore
- Allows magical runes of 3-4 circles to be placed on own creatures in combat, temporarily giving them new battle abilities and characteristics.
 - Greater Rune
- Allows the same rune to be activated for the second time for triple resource cost.
Rolf (Campaign Hero) |  |
Rolf is as at ease in the court as he is in the saddle. He is an accomplished courtier and certainly an adequate, if not outstanding, fighter. He is an important member of the clan, but is too politically astute to let the concerns of the outside get in the way of his political career. To be blunt: Rolf wants to be king. To do this he must prove his worth to all of the six clans who will select Tolghar's heir. As such, he is entirely content that his dangerously competent half-brother Wulfstan is not around to mess up his plans. |
» Specialty | » Attributes |
 - Golden Tongue
- Neutral creatures are more likely to join this hero. Moreover victories provide this hero with gold and resources.
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» Skills |
 - Basic Runelore
- Allows magical runes of 1-2 circles to be placed on own creatures in combat, temporarily giving them new battle abilities and characteristics.
 - Basic Leadership
- Increases moral of all creatures in hero's army by 1.
 - Diplomacy
- Allows hero to effectively negotiate with hostile creatures. Increases chances and reduces costs of creatures that wish to join your army.
Wulfstan (Campaign Hero) |  |
Wulfstan is a member of the Winterwind clan of Dwarves; he is strong and inured to the extreme conditions of the Dwarven mountains (not many Dwarves venture outside their subterranean cities). His travels in the exterior have also made him friendly with other peoples, a fact that for some more conservative elements is equivalent to being tainted. Having embarrassed the king once too often with his plain language and undiplomatic opinions, he has been more or less banished to the frontier where he is the captain of an important garrison. |
» Specialty | » Attributes |
 - Border Guard
- Hero has a bonus to his Defense (+1 Defense for each 2 hero levels) if fights are one day away from owned city.
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» Skills |
 - Basic Runelore
- Allows magical runes of 1-2 circles to be placed on own creatures in combat, temporarily giving them new battle abilities and characteristics.
 - Basic Logistics
- Increases hero's movement speed over land by 10%.
 - Pathfinding
- Reduces penalty for moving through rough terrain by 50%.
This information comes from the Heroes V release version (v3.0).
You can discuss Heroes V heroes with the Heroes Community.
Thanks to sfidanza for the work on this page.
Thanks to ThE_HyDrA for creating and looking after the Heroes 5 section of Age of Heroes!
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