Modding Section: your place to find mods and fixes
Heores 5 is a great game, in part because it has very good modding capabilities. And there are a lot of mods already available to make your game experience better.
- What is a mod?
- Basically, it is a modification of the game, that changes either texts, visual appearances, interfaces, balance... or even adds new functionalities.
- How do I install a mod?
- Just download it and copy the .h5u file in your UserMODs/ folder in the game's installation directory.
- How do I uninstall a mod?
- Just remove the corresponding file from where you installed it.
- It doesn't work!
- This is likely because you are using Internet Explorer... See the FAQ and questions thread in the Modders Workshop for answers.
For more information about mods, join the Modding discussion in the forums.

Due to copyright infringement issues, Ubi and Nival changed the Treant look between the beta phase and the retail version. This mod brings back the old treants from the beta, large and massive as we like them.
The mod is now updated for ToE, using the alternate upgrade relooking from ArchWarlock.
- » Mod type: visual and sound only. No stats changes.
- » H5 version targeted: All versions (H5/HoF/ToE) - packed for 1.6, 2.1 (rename to .h5m) and 3.0
- » Comment: The adventure map models are still the original ones when loading a game saved without the mod.
- » Author: ManiaCCC, sfidanza and ArchWarlock
- » Download: Treants.h5u for H5/HoF (4.71Mb), Treants_ToE.h5u for ToE (4.69Mb)

Heroes 5 Inquisitor gained his helmet on the game's release. This mod brings back the beta version, with the sexy bald head.
- » Mod type: visual and sound only. No stats changes.
- » H5 version targeted: All versions (H5/HoF/ToE) - packed for 1.6, 2.1 (rename to .h5m) and 3.0
- » Comment: The adventure map model is rather strange when loading a game saved without the mod (there is a helmet texture, which seems fused to the Inquisitor's head...).
- » Author: Adi_17, ManiaCCC and sfidanza
- » Download: Cleric.h5u (1.33Mb)
Dark Knights

This mod replaces the Necropolis tier 6 units Wight and Wraith by Blood Knight and Dread Knight. Their stats have been tweaked, but the Blood/Dread Knights' abilities are those of the Wight/Wraith. In particular, the Dread Knight has the Wraith's Harm Touch, and not the overpowered Deadly Strike.
The neutral Death Knight (with Deadly Strike) is now called Doom Reaper, and is a tier 7 neutral creature with Wraith-like (improved) graphics. The downgrade version (the unused Black Knight) is now the Revenant, using the Wight graphics.
- » Mod type: visual, text, and stats changes.
- » H5 version targeted: H5/HoF (changed texts are in english) - packed for 1.6 and 2.1 (rename to .h5m)
- » Comment: The adventure map models are still the original ones when loading a game saved without the mod.
- » Author: Arstahd
- » Download: DarkKnights-Mod.h5u (1.20Mb)
- » More info: Dark Knights Mod thread on HC
Unlock Campaigns

The 6 campaigns have to be played in order, because they tell a story. So you'll start by Haven, then Inferno... Well, go to the Campaigns pages for more.
However, some might want to skip one, or lost their profile and don't want to start again from the beginning. This mod unlocks all campaigns, meaning you can start whichever you want. It does not unlock scenarios inside campaigns, though, so you'll still have to do these in order.
The mod now exists for HoF and ToE as well.
- » Mod type: interface
- » H5 version targeted: H5 1.2+ / HoF / ToE - packed for 1.6, 2.1 and 3.0
- » Author: sfidanza
- » Download: Unlock_Campaigns_H5_1.2+.h5u (5.67kb),
Unlock_Campaigns_HoF.h5m (2.64kb),
Unlock_Campaigns_ToE.h5u (3.83kb)
If you want to unlock any mission, you can download the completely unlocked campaign.sav for your campaigns. Extract the file from the zip and place it in your savegame folder in your profile in "My Documents/My Games/...".
- » For H5: H5 campaign.sav (2.64kb)
- » For HoF: HoF campaign.sav (2.28kb)
Localized texts and text fixes
All the texts in the game are stored in the texts.pak file (or a similar name depending on version). This makes it easy to change the game's texts to play in another language, or to use an unofficial text package fixing bugs in the official texts.
All the texts packages are gathered on the Localized Texts page.
Older mods, older versions
If you need older versions of these mods, ask in the forums. Of course, we recommend using the last stable patch, that usually fixes some glitches you might experience. But if you prefer to play with an earlier version of the game, and the current mods don't work for you, we might have what you need.
You can discuss Modding in Heroes V with the Heroes Community.
Thanks to sfidanza for the work on this page.
Thanks to all the modders and mod testers for their work.
Thanks to ThE_HyDrA for creating and looking after the Heroes 5 section of Age of Heroes!