Mixed Campaign - Heroes of Might and Magic 5
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Ylaya's Quest (Mixed Campaign)

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Turmoil in Ygg-Chall
  1. The Spy
  2. The Break
  3. The Meeting
  4. Dragons
  5. The Decoupling

Mission Four: Dragons

Two fates, two variants of Ygg-Chall's future meet at last on the battlefield. On one side is power-mad Thralsai and his Demonic allies; arrayed against them are the experience of Raelag and the mystical powers of Ylaya. It is here, near the resting place of the heroes of old, that the dispute between Chaos and Shadow will be settled.

Map Size: 136x136 (with underground)
Max Hero Level: 26

Starting Bonus:
4000 Gold

4000 Gold

7 Grim Raiders

7 Grim Raiders

Sack of Endless Gold

Sack of Endless Gold

Provides your kingdom with 250 gold every day.

Ylaya, Raelag and Isabel must survive
Ylaya, Raelag and Isabel must survive to continue their quests for freedom… and vengeance.
Keep the town from being seized by the enemy
Halris is the only town controlled by Ylaya, Raelag and Isabel. Losing it means being deprived of a reliable base and reinforcements -- and probably losing the war.
Ylaya must find the Dragons' hideout and enlist their support
The Dragon Lair is hidden somewhere in the caverns, and Ylaya's must find it. If she does so, she will be able to enlist the Dragons' support and greatly improve her chances of defeating Clan Soulscar.
Defeat the army of Thralsai
The war against Thralsai is coming to a climax. Everything will be decided in this last battle, against Thralsai in person, and the best of his troops. Ylaya, Raelag and Isabel must find a way to defeat him.

Secondary Objectives:
Ylaya must find the Dragons' hideout and enlist their support
The Dragon Lair is hidden somewhere in the caverns, and Ylaya's must find it. If she does so, she will be able to enlist the Dragons' support and greatly improve her chances of defeating Clan Soulscar.
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This information comes from the Heroes V release version (v2.1).

Thanks to sfidanza for the work on this page.
Thanks to ThE_HyDrA for creating and looking after the Heroes 5 section of Age of Heroes!

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