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Freyda's Dilemma (Haven Campaign)
Civil war splits the Griffin EmpireMission One: Rebels
The Griffin Empire is falling apart. Refusing to accept the rule of Queen Isabel, some members of the nobility are openly opposing her. Her recent canonization has hardly helped matters, and they whisper that she has not been the same since her return from Sheogh.. No doubt these rebels will soon be dragged before a court of justice, which will inflict a harsh penalty on those who betray of the throne.
Map Size: 96x96Max Hero Level: 10
- Destroy Lord Caldwell's rebel camp
- There are always people opposed to the existing order -- outlaws, bandits, trouble-makers -- who jump at any cause to take up arms. They are enlisting in the ranks of the rebel army, which is now organized into two camps. One of these camps is commanded by Lord Caldwell, and it must be destroyed.
- Destroy Archbishop Randall's rebel camp
- The other rebel recruiting camp is located to the east of Lord Caldwell's. Archbishop Randall leads it, and Is busy creating an army of fanatics in his own image. The camp has to be destroyed.
- Freyda and Laszlo must survive
- Freyda and Laszlo must survive to continue their work for the Griffin Empire.
- Help Haven troops out from encirclement
- The reinforcements sent by Queen Isabel were ambushed and were forced to retreat. They are now hiding in a swamp whose exits are being watched by Elven rebel sympathisers. You must free the allied troops so they can join your cause.
- Seize all Peasant Huts
- Every day, the attacks of Elven archers slow down the troops' progress and cause casualties. It is hopeless, however, to chase them in their own woods. An easier way is to deprive them of food supplies, forcing them to emerge from the forest and meet you in battle. They are receiving help from nearby peasants' farms; by seizing the farms you can bring your enemy to their knees.
Secondary Objectives:
- Seize all Peasant Huts
- Every day, the attacks of Elven archers slow down the troops' progress and cause casualties. It is hopeless, however, to chase them in their own woods. An easier way is to deprive them of food supplies, forcing them to emerge from the forest and meet you in battle. They are receiving help from nearby peasants' farms; by seizing the farms you can bring your enemy to their knees.
- Eliminate the rebel units
- Day after day, new warriors appear under the rebels' banners. It would be practical to eliminate them before they even reach the recruiting camps. The fewer the number of fighters who find their way to Caldwell and Randall, the easier it will be for you to complete your tasks.
This information comes from the Heroes V release version (v2.1).
You can find campaign walkthrough or ask for help in the Heroes Community forums.
Thanks to sfidanza for the work on this page.
Thanks to ThE_HyDrA for creating and looking after the Heroes 5 section of Age of Heroes!