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Proceed here with caution.

The Necromancer (Necropolis Campaign)

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The Undead rise, the Griffin falls
  1. The Temptation
  2. The Attack
  3. The Invasion
  4. The Regicide
  5. The Lord of Heresh

Mission One: The Temptation

The Necromancer decides to use the situation to his advantage, pursuing goals obscure to all but himself by joining Queen Isabel in an alliance. He must traverse lands guarded by Wizards to reach the frontiers of the Empire.

Map Size: 96x96 (with underground)
Max Hero Level: 10

Starting Bonus:

20 Skeleton Archers

Breastplate of Eldritch Might

Adds +2 to hero's Spellpower.

Suffering (5 Mana)

Weakens the target enemy unit to decrease its Attack.

Reach Vigil
Markal has much to do to accomplish his plan. But that dosen't worry him, he has practiced a lifetime of meticulous planning to get where he is.
The first phase of this plan is to reach the Empire.
Avoid enemy patrols
The Wizards of the Silver Cities are the old enemies of the Necromancers, and their patrols tirelessly watch the Canyon of Buried Alive.
A meeting with the Wizards would end in bloodshed, and that is not in Markal's plans... yet.
Destroy the rebel army
Fate smiles upon the old necromancer, he will have a chance to prove his good intentions to Isabel.
Should he defeat the rebel army, the queen will look favourably upon him. This will be the first step in gaining her trust.
Markal must survive
Markal must survive in order to reach his goal and continue on.
Escape from Amin
One of the patrols has noticed Markal. Now only swiftness and a clever choice of routes can help the Necromancer avoid encountering the enemy
Escape from Dgum
One of the patrols has noticed Markal. Now only swiftness and a clever choice of routes can help the Necromancer avoid encountering the enemy
This information comes from the Heroes V release version (v1.4).

Thanks to sfidanza for the work on this page.
Thanks to ThE_HyDrA for creating and looking after the Heroes 5 section of Age of Heroes!

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