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Phases & Rounds:
Battles in Heroes of Might and Magic are resolved through a series of Combat Rounds. Each Combat Round is broken down in as many as 10 phases in which the Aggressor attacks and then the Defender attacks. Each Unit Card and Hero Card has a “Phase” entry. The number in that entry is the Phase in which that Unit or Hero will attack during each Combat Round.When the battle begins, the Aggressor will attack with each of his Phase 1 units, and remove all casualties. Then the defender will attack with all of his Phase 1 units, and remove all casualties. The battle then proceeds to the next Phase (Phase 2). This sequence continues until all units on both sides have had their attack phase. That is the end of the first Combat Round. At the end of each Combat Round, the Aggressor and then the Defender have opportunities to Withdraw or Surrender (see Withdrawing Heroes and Surrendering below).
If neither party performs one of those two battle-ending actions, the battle will continue to the next Combat Round, starting over again at Phase 1. The battle ends when someone Withdraws, Surrenders, or has all of their Creature Stacks destroyed.
Making Melee Attacks:
To make a Melee Attack, your unit must be on the Melee Line. He selects a target on the opponent’s Melee Line and rolls a die. Add the die roll to your Unit’s Melee Attack Score. If the result is at least equal to the target’s Defense Score, you have killed the enemy unit. Remove the top card from the enemy stack. If your Attack Score + die roll was less than the target’s Defense Score, you have failed to harm the target stack.Attacking as a Stack: Often times, a Creature Stack will have more than 1 Unit card in it. In these cases, only the top card in the stack may make an attack. The other Units in the Creature Stack are simply adding power to the Attack Score of the top card. Each unit under the top card adds their Level to the top card’s Attack Score. For instance, if you had a stack of 3 Gold Golems (which are Level 2 creatures), the top card would make an attack with his Attack Score of 3. However, because there were 2 level 2 units under him, his Attack Score would be increased to 7 (3+2+2=7).
Swatting a Target Stack: Sometimes, you may wish to attack more than just the top card of an enemy Creature Stack. This is called “Swatting”. To do so, before you roll the die, announce how many cards in the target stack you wish to attack. Add the Defense Scores of all the cards you announced you were “Swatting”. Then roll the die. If your Attack Score + your die roll is equal to or greater than the total Defense Scores of the cards you attacked, the ”Swat” is successful. Remove (discard) all of the cards you “Swatted” from the target stack. Of course, if the target’s total Defense Score was higher than your Attack Score + your die roll, your attack had no effect.
Making Ranged Attacks:
Making a Ranged Attack is very similar to making a Melee Attack. There are only a few differences. First off, instead of adding your die roll to your Melee Attack Score, you will add it to your Ranged Attack Score. Secondly, you can make a Ranged Attack whether you are on the Melee Line or the Ranged Line, and you may attack targets that are on your opponent’s Melee Line or Ranged Line. Lastly, if you Unit’s Ranged Attack Score is 0, it may not make Ranged Attacks. Aside from those differences, the process is exactly the same as making a Melee Attack.Sacrificing for Support:
A Creature Stack can choose to skip its attack opportunity to lend its support to the Attack Score of another Creature Stack. To do so, when it is time for the Creature Stack to attack, simply announce that you are sacrificing its attack opportunity for this round. Then, add up all the levels of the Unit Cards in that stack. This is the stack’s “Sac” value. For instance, suppose we are talking about the same stack of 3 Gold Golems we discussed earlier. They are level 2 units, so the stack would have a total Sac value of 6 (2x3=6). Now that you know the stack’s Sac value, simply announce which friendly Creature Stack they will be sacrificing to assist. Add the sacrificing stack’s Sac Value to the Attack Score of the Creature Stack they are assisting. This support will be in effect only for the stack’s next attack.Common Target: A Creature Stack can only sacrifice to support an attack against a target they could have otherwise attacked on their own. For instance, our stack of 3 Gold Golems would not be able to assist in an attack against an enemy target on the Ranged Line. This is because the Gold Golems have a Ranged Attack Score of 0, and therefore cannot make Ranged Attacks.
Spell Casters: Some spell casting Units (like Magi or Faerie Dragons) can cast offensive spells like Fireball or Magic Fist. These spells make attacks on enemy targets. These spells are treated as if they were any other attack. Because of this, the top card of a Creature Stack containing such spell casters will add the levels of the Units under it to the Attack Score of the spell. Similarly, other stacks sacrificing to assist them can add to the Attack Score of the spell, just as if it were any other attack.
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