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Posted by Cepheus at 12:37, 29 Oct 2009:
Another hint that Heroes VI is in development has leaked

Eagle-eyed readers who've been paying attention may remember that, two days ago, one of the Heroes Kingdoms beta testers publicly posted at the Ubisoft forums, making reference to a top-secret Heroes of Might and Magic VI presentation exclusively revealed to a small number of individuals at Ubisoft France. This post was edited out - another leaked hint that the announcement of Heroes VI is not very far away.

Posted by Cepheus at 17:18, 27 Oct 2009:
There is a new Ubi community representative

Xhane, a poster at the Ubisoft forums, has just introduced herself as the new Might and Magic Community Developer - the first sighting of official personnel at the Ubi forums for months. Introducing herself as a long-time fan of the series, she states her role is to ensure communication between the (as-yet-unknown for Heroes VI) development teams, answering questions and ensuring feedback goes where it ought to go.

She also promises to "join all Might & Magic guilds and fan-sites" by the end of the week. See you at Heroes Community soon then, Xhane.

Posted by Cepheus at 17:13, 9 Aug 2009:
Heroes VI has been practically confirmed

Heroes of Might and Magic producers Erwan Le Breton and Romain de Waubert have all but confirmed that the franchise will be recieving a sixth outing, according to an interview published today with Germany-based website PlanetDS. The news has also been picked up by, who are under the impression that it's an ironclad "yes".

In response to the question "Can you tell us more about your future plans, what can we expect?" the producers reply as follows:

"()...acute observers can get a glimpse of the future if they watch closely the Clash of Heroes producer diary videos, especially the moment when the eminently likeable duet of producers introduce the next Spring-Summer Might & Magic fashion collection..."

"I’m such a fan of Might & Magic that I wear its future like a second skin, very close to my heart…"

This, of course, refers to the Might and Magic: Heroes VI logos the producers wore in recent developer diaries, as mentioned below. Chances that the game will see daylight will probably be affected by the sales of upcoming DS game Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes (which we'll be soon be reporting on in full with a feature of its own).

In the meantime, feel free to discuss the new development with us.

Posted by VokialBG at 14:55, 26 Jul 2009:
Heroes 6 in development? By the Dark Messiah team?

Currently we still have no official announcement if Heroes of Might and Magic 6 is or will be soon in development. Till now there were only few doubtful rumours, like the "Looking for Heroes of MM Lead Game Designer" announcement on

However just a day ago very intriguing image was spoted by the fans. It's a video screenshot of Romain de Waubert de Genlis, who was working on titles like "Battlefield 1942" (EA), "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon" (Ubisoft) and "Call of Juarez" (Ubisoft), but he was also producer of Dark Messiah of Might and Magic in 2006. On the photo he is wearing a shirt with a stamp of Heroes artwork, sadly the image is too blurry and we can't say what's exactly on it but it but looks like a demon creature, still you can clearly read the text under the stamp: "Heroes of Might and Magic 6".

This can give us two possibilities of thinking: Heroes 6 may be in development, and maybe Romain de Waubert de Genlis is it's new producer, since Fabrice Cambounet is busy with the browser-based game Heroes Kingdoms.

If you have more info that you want to share, or you like to discuss the subject with us please visit the thread at HC.

Posted by Cepheus at 17:47, 7 Apr 2009:
Might and Magic goes DS

While browsing the website of Heroes V storywriter Jeff Spock a couple of days ago, I dug up some information on an upcoming Might and Magic game exclusive to the Nintendo DS, set for release this year.

"This will be an awesome puzzle game with an epic fantasy storyline. And, yes, both of those things are possible. Watch the review pages; I think this one will make waves."

At Celestial Heavens, community member Jolly Joker offers some more detailed info on the premise:

Hmm. I'm rather sure that the game will be a success - I enjoyed the first test very much. The game has an astonishing amount of tactical depth and is fun.

"There are artifacts, there is experience, even for creatures, there are spells as well, albeit scarcely, and there is a campaign story.

"The game features 5 of the 8 H5 races, and since every race will have EIGHT different units with FIVE upgrades each (even though the upgrade is just a stat upgrade, the unit itself keep the same), there are NEW units - and they even found a nice new name for the old Devil, Abyssal Lord, (which means, that one faction is the Inferno). The 8th Inferno unit, by the way, is called Sorcerer."

The game has not yet been officially announced, but has apparently been in development for some time and is in its final stages of testing. It ought to be available soon - in the meantime, discuss it here.

Posted by Cepheus at 12:36, 4 Apr 2009:
Dual Classes Mod - Early Beta Released

Prolific modder Magnomagus has released an early beta of the community-created Dual Classes Mod for Heroes V. This preliminary version turns eight of the game's most suitable Necromancers into the classic Death Knight hero class, modifying the Necromancers' skill wheel and hero specialties to create a unique advancement path for both the might and magic-based aspects of the Necropolis.

Grab the beta here, where you can also keep an eye on discussions about balance and ideas relating to the upcoming mod.

Posted by Cepheus at 18:59, 9 Mar 2009:
News in the Community

First of all, a greeting to all resident heroes: I'm Cepheus, taking over as an acting news coordinator for Age of Heroes following GenieLord's departure. GenieLord's contribution was vast, and I hope to act as a worthy replacement in his absence.

Without further ado...

Rumours relating to the development of Heroes of Might and Magic VI persist at the Ubisoft forums, Celestial Heavens and our own Heroes Community. It's been hinted at that Ubisoft have abandoned Russian developer team Nival Interactive in favour of a new, undisclosed Hungarian developer for the project, although no official details have emerged.

Elvin's Duel Map Tournament for Heroes V is ongoing, and each updated version of the Duel Map brings the competition closer to a perfect balance between factions. The duellers heartily welcome new entrants, so feel free to join if you're up for a few battles. Even if you don't consider yourself a strategic genius - or strategic at all - don't be discouraged from competing, as several newer players have claimed high rankings in previous rounds. In addition, a WoG Duels Tournament for Heroes III is also getting started - entrants are equally welcome to participate.

In modding, Heroes Community member kainc has started work on a very promising and interesting mod for Heroes V - the Oblivion faction, designed to replace the Inferno with new creatures, heroes and graphics. Though unreleased as yet, work on the mod is progressing quickly - keep your eyes on his thread for a beta, most likely in the near future.

Meanwhile, a team of talented Heroes III fans at the Russian forums continue to develop the Horn of the Abyss mod. There's so much content in HotA that the mod promises to act as an unofficial expansion for the base game. The mod's creators appear to have worked around the previously-unbreakable town limit coded into Heroes III, as the three new factions included in HotA will not replace existing ones. Currently, the developers' tentative release date is April-May 2009. Check out their thread at HC for the latest news and updates.

Posted by Valeriy at 04:31, 6 Mar 2009:
Server Move Completed

Age of Heroes and Heroes Community have been moved to a shared web host again. There are a couple of reasons. Firstly our dedicated server was severely underused and its high cost was not being justified. Secondly our dedicated server got infected with trojans few times and got used by the hackers to send spam. Protecting against these ongoing attacks required either additional expenses or time that I don't have. So I've decided to go back to shared hosting which now offers much more than what it did two years ago. Host staff will be taking care of defending against these server-level hacker attacks.

Transition only caused few hours of downtime and there are good news. Firstly we will be keeping all of our functionality including HC filespace and e-mail forwarders. And secondly contrary to logic pages seem to load even faster than before. We were put on a very powerful shared server with not many other clients :)

Posted by VokialBG at 16:22, 26 Oct 2008:
Goblin pick pocketers, ceremonies and Orlando in ToK

Remember Tales of Karador? One of the greatest H5 modding projects ever started? I'm sure you do! The best news for you, is that we have some fresh info from ToK's kitchen!

Still all the info is consist of hints and screenshots.

A stolen artifact?! - Take a look at the goblin pick pocketers event, Pendant of Mastery was stolen!

... you'll meet a character... - Orlando is still alive! And he is ready to crush you in the name of the Red Order!

A Ceremony? - Save the poot village man!

Posted by GenieLord at 19:35, 9 Oct 2008:
HoMM6: what factions we want to see

The results of the great faction poll have been advertised by Gnoll_Mage. On the poll, the participants were asked to choose which factions they would like to see in Heroes of Might and Magic 6, out of 44 options.

The most wanted factions:
Dark Elves
Trolls / Ogres

For further details and participation in future polls about HOMM6, press here.

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