====== 6. Animations ======
===== 6.1. When I give a creature a spell and try it in the game the animation is broken =====
This is a common problem. The problem is that when you give a non-caster creature the ability to cast, there is no animation for the casting ability. But there is a way to fix this. In the example we are going to fix it with the Titan, which currently looks like he's a cross. Go to ''_(AnimSet)\Creatures\Academy\Titan-areana.(AnimSet)xdb'' which is the Titan's animation xdb file. Between and you need to add the animation. Now here we are going to have two options. If you want the Titan to start a ranged attack and then cast the spell, add this:
If you want him to do the Call Lightning animation, add this:
What we just did is tell the game to do the Call Lightning/range attack animation (the part) when casting spells (cast. You can do this to every creature, but use the animations in its own ''*Creature*-arena.(AnimSet)xdb'' file and copy paste the under the cast. Remember the - and
===== 6.2. How do I make my own animation? =====
Unfortunately, I don't know how so sorry.
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