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Lethos (Level 15) |  |
Lethos is considered a very useful ally due to his ability to win a battle before it starts. Though he has served many decades, his intimate knowledge of the more exotic poisons and diseases remains undimmed. Enemy troops approaching the field may feel the effects of Lethos's spells and concoctions even before the fighting begins, wise enemies have been known to start their attack by retreating. |
» Specialty | » Attributes |
 - Poison Master
- Enemy units may enter the combat already poisoned, chances depend on hero level.
| |
» Skills |
 Basic Irresistible MagicPartially negates magic protection and allows hero to deal 20% of normal spell damage to otherwise resistant creatures.
Basic Irresistible Magic |
 Dark RenewalShould it happen that any magic spell is resisted by target, the hero gains back all the mana spent to cast that spell.
 Master of PainGrants area effects to Decay and Vulnerability spells, but doubles the casting cost of these spells. Hero wastes only half of his current initiative to cast these spells. Adds +4 to effective spellpower of Unholy Word spell.
 Master of MindGrants mass effects to Slow and Confusion spells, but doubles the casting cost of these spells. Hero wastes only half of his current initiative to cast these spells.
 Expert Dark MagicAllows hero to learn Dark Magic spells of the fifth circle and gives maximum power to Dark Magic.
Expert Dark Magic |
 Arcane TrainingReduces casting costs of all spells by 20%.
 Basic SorcerySpeeds up hero's casting in combat. Interval between two consecutive spell casts is reduced by 10%.
Basic Sorcery |
 Power of SpeedHero acquires Mass Haste spell on advanced level.
 TacticsIncreases the area in which the hero can rearrange creatures before combat.
 Advanced AttackIncreases damage dealt by your creatures in melee combat by 10%.
Advanced Attack |
 Teleport AssaultHero acquires Teleportation spell and the ability to cast it with assault effect, increasing the initiative of creature being teleported.
 ScoutingHero receives +4 to his range of view and gets an ability to see precise number of creatures in neutral troops, in enemy armies, towns and garrisons within his range of view.
 Advanced LogisticsIncreases hero's movement speed over land by 20%.
Advanced Logistics |
» Creatures |
 25 Grim Raiders |
 25 Deep Hydras |
 20 Shadow Matriarches |
 7 Black Dragons |
 150 Assassins |
25 | 25 | 20 | 7 | 150 |
» Artefacts |
 Helm of the Dwarven KingsAdds +4 to hero's knowledge and renders all creatures in hero's army immune to Blind spell. |
 Shield of the Dwarven KingsAdds +4 to hero's defense and renders all creatures in hero's army immune to Frenzy spell. |
 Tunic of the Carved FleshIncreases hero's Spellpower by +3 but decreases his morale by -1 |
» Spells |
 Slow 4Makes target enemy stack take fewer actions in combat. |  Weakness 4Causes the selected enemy unit to inflict less damage in combat. Spellpower determines the duration of effect. |  Vulnerability 5Destroys armor of target enemy stack, reducing its defense. Can be cast several times on a single stack, but defense will not go lower than zero. |  Decay 6Inflicts plague on target enemy stack. The stack receives earth damage each time it takes an action. (The spell does not work on undead, elemental and mechanical units). |  Suffering 5Weakens the target enemy unit to decrease its Attack. |  Frenzy 15Drives target stack of creatures frenzy. Frenzied stack considers all other creatures and war machines its personal enemies and attacks the nearest one with redoubled rage. |  Blindness 10Blinds the selected enemy creature so that it cannot move, attack or use any abilities. Blindness disappears if blinded creature is attacked. Spellpower determines the duration of effect. (The spell does not work on undead, elemental and mechanical units.) |  Curse of the Netherworld 9Deals unholy damage to all creatures on a battlefield except undead and infernal ones. |  Puppet Master 18Gives the hero temporary control over the selected enemy creature. Creature under this spell can't counter-attack. Control will be lost if the unit is attacked Puppet Master is cast on another target. (The spell does not work on undead, elemental and mechanical units). |
 Eldritch Arrow 4Shoots magic missile to deal non-physical damage to the selected enemy creature. |  Stone spikes 5Deals earth damage to all creatures in target area (cross form) |  Lightning Bolt 5Deals lightning damage to selected enemy unit. |  Ice Bolt 6Deals ice damage to selected enemy unit. |
 Haste 4Causes the selected friendly unit to act more frequently in combat. |  Cleansing 10Dispels positive magic effects from enemy creatures and negative magic effects from friendly creatures. Checks against caster level to dispel effects, so low level caster would be unlikely to dispel magic cast by high level mage. |  Teleportation 8Teleports targeted friendly creature to another location on a battlefield (Only expert in Light Magic can teleport creatures over town walls) |
 Fire Trap 8Puts randomly several magical explosive mines in a selected area of the battlefield. Mines are invisible to the enemy. |  Raise Dead 9Reanimates creatures in target friendly stack. Undead creatures are brought back to "life", all other creatures are re-animated for the duration of the battle only. Every use of this spell decreases hit points of target stack by 20%. |
» War Machines |
 First Aid Tent Ammo Cart Lethos starts with a First Aid Tent and an Ammo Cart. |
This information comes from the Heroes V release version (v2.1).
You can discuss Heroes V duel Warlocks with the Heroes Community.
Thanks to sfidanza for the work on this page.
Thanks to ThE_HyDrA for creating and looking after the Heroes 5 section of Age of Heroes!
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