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Sinitar (Level 15) |  |
The warlocks of Ygg-Chall are dark and shadowy wizards, and Sinitar is special even among this strange group. Not only can he empower spells, but his skill is such that he can do it while using less of his own mana. No one is sure how he came to have this ability, but the scars on his face tell of bargains with the dragons of shadow -- bargains that can take a heavy toll on both body and mind. |
» Specialty | » Attributes |
 - Catalyst
- Empowered spells mana cost is reduced by 5% and + additional 1% per hero level.
| |
» Skills |
 Empowered spellsAll damaging spells cast by hero deal 50% more damage, but the mana cost is doubled.
 Dark RitualSpecial adventure ability. Hero spends entire day to perform the ritual and regain full mana. Can only be used at the beginning of the day.
 Expert Irresistible MagicNegates half of magic protection and allows hero to deal 50% of normal spell damage to otherwise resistant creatures.
Expert Irresistible Magic |
 Secrets of destructionHero gains +2 Knowledge permanently and randomly acquires one damaging spell of 1st to 3rd circle that is not yet in hero's spellbook.
 Expert Destructive MagicAllows hero to learn Destructive Magic spells of the fifth circle and gives maximum power to Destructive Magic.
Expert Destructive Magic |
 Erratic ManaMana cost of spells cast by the hero is randomly reduced by up to 50% (actual reduction is determined while casting is in progress).
 Mana RegenerationDoubles mana regeneration
 Arcane TrainingReduces casting costs of all spells by 20%.
 Expert SorcerySpeeds up hero's casting in combat. Interval between two consecutive spell casts is reduced by 30%.
Expert Sorcery |
 Advanced LuckIncreases luck of all creatures in hero's army by 2.
Advanced Luck |
» Creatures |
 50 Assassins |
 40 Blood Furies |
 30 Grim Raiders |
 15 Deep Hydras |
 10 Shadow Matriarches |
 5 Black Dragons |
50 | 40 | 30 | 15 | 10 | 5 |
» Artefacts |
 Dragon Wing MantleAdds +3 to hero's knowledge and increases initiative of all flying units in hero's army by 10% |
 Necklace of VictoryAdds +2 to hero's attack and Spellpower. |
 Emerald Slippers+50% damage to earth spells |
 Lion CrownIncreases hero's morale and luck by +2. |
» Spells |
 Slow 4Makes target enemy stack take fewer actions in combat. |  Weakness 4Causes the selected enemy unit to inflict less damage in combat. Spellpower determines the duration of effect. |  Vulnerability 5Destroys armor of target enemy stack, reducing its defense. Can be cast several times on a single stack, but defense will not go lower than zero. |
 Eldritch Arrow 4Shoots magic missile to deal non-physical damage to the selected enemy creature. |  Ice Bolt 6Deals ice damage to selected enemy unit. |  Lightning Bolt 5Deals lightning damage to selected enemy unit. |  Circle of Winter 9Deals ice damage to all units surrounding the target spot. |  Fireball 10Deals fire damage to all units in the target area. |  Meteor Shower 19Deals massive earth damage to all creatures in target area. |  Chain Lightning 16Deals massive lightning damage to several adjacent creatures (up to 4), starting with the selected one. Every next creature in the chain gets the half of the damage inflicted to the previous one. (The chain can hit the own creatures) |  Armageddon 20Deals massive fire damage to all creatures and war machines on a battlefield and local physical damage in the place of fall. |  Implosion 18Deals earth damage to a single targeted enemy unit. |
 Cleansing 10Dispels positive magic effects from enemy creatures and negative magic effects from friendly creatures. Checks against caster level to dispel effects, so low level caster would be unlikely to dispel magic cast by high level mage. |
 Fist of Wrath 5Summons magical fist to deal non-elemental physical damage to target enemy creature. This spell ignores magic resistance and protection from magic. |
» War Machines |
 First Aid Tent Sinitar starts with a First Aid Tent. |
This information comes from the Heroes V release version (v2.1).
You can discuss Heroes V duel Warlocks with the Heroes Community.
Thanks to sfidanza for the work on this page.
Thanks to ThE_HyDrA for creating and looking after the Heroes 5 section of Age of Heroes!
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