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Death Magic Spells
Death magic concentrates on cursing others and raising the dead within its own ranks. An example of these two areas are Curse and Raise Ghost. It also has a number of direct damage spells including plague and poison. Death is the opposite to Life magic, but their spell effects oppose those of Nature in reality.
The most sought-after spells in the Death magic school are Vampiric Touch, Plague, Mass Sorrow, Mass Weakness, and, against Life (primarily), Mass Cancellation. Vampiric Touch is a devastating spell against everyone except the Undead and Mechanical creatures. In melee combat especially, this spell is invaluable, but to maximise its effectiveness, cast it on a creature like the Cerberus, which has no-retaliation and attacks multiple enemies. The limitations of these spells are usually that against a Death army, they are ineffective, therefore casting Plague with a Necropolis army of Cerberi, Venom Spawns, and Devils is not advised. Mass Sorrow is a good combat-starter, and has much the same effect as Mass Misfortune.
Unfortunately, Death has among the weakest spells in the game aside from the one mentioned above. The main problem with "Raise X" spells is that the creatures do not remain after combat, making them a weaker, short-term investment. Sacrifice is also a poor spell, as when it becomes available (i.e. the endgame) weaker creatures are not present in the army to sacrifice. Other weak spells include raise skeletons, animate dead, and unholy song (except against Life).
Death Magic is a ver limited school, unable to directly attack the target with its spells and relying on the enemy being unable to dispel their incantations.
Level 1
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Cancellation - 2 mana Combat - Curse Cancellation removes all beneficial spells from the target. The knights spent a full day preparing for their attack, praying, casting spells, and polishing their armor. Pointless! But at least they died in shiny armor. |
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Curse - 2 mana Combat - Curse Curse causes the target to do minimum damage in combat. May your hair fall out and grow boils on your nose, limp with the gout and lose all your clothes. A hex on you! |
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Disrupting Ray - 2 mana Combat - Curse Disrupting Ray causes the target's Melee and Ranged Defense to decrease by 20%. I put this on a young knight once without him knowing it. He stupidly stood toe-to-toe with a skeleton thinking he could easily beat it. Boy, was he ever wrong! |
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Poison - 2 mana Combat - Curse/Direct Damage Damage: 16 + 1.5 dmg/level + Demonology Poison does damage to the target every round (starting with the current round) untill combat ends. You have to agree , there is nothing quite as appealing as gloating over your enemy as they die ever so slowly. |
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Raise Skeletons - 2 mana Combat - Summoning Power: 11 + 1 unit/level + Demonology Raises a number of skeletons based on the caster's level from any stack of dead creatures. The number of raised skeletons cannot exceed either the hit points or number of the creatures. All skeletons vanish after combat ends. Otherwise, the bones go to waste, don't they? |
Level 2
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Animate Dead - 3 mana Combat - Summoning Power: 82 + 7.5 HP/level + Demonology Animate Dead raises a number of creatures based on the caster's level from any stack of dead creatures. All creatures vanish after combat ends. There is no greater way to convince your enemy that your army is invincible than tropps that refuse to stay dead. |
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Fatigue - 3 mana Combat - Curse Fatigue causes the enemy target to move at half speed and movement. Keep the enemy away as long as you can, and pick them off one at a time. One-on-one battle is for fools and knights! |
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Life Drain - 3 mana Combat - Direct Damage Damage: 16 + 1.5 dmg/level + Demonology Life Drain steals hit points from all Life and Nature targets, and then caster gains a portion of the total hit points drained. Their life energy may be pure and tasteless, but it sure feels good! |
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Mire - 3 mana Adventure - Curse Mire causes the target to move at half speed on Adventure Map during its next turn. There is always a bigger fish, so if you run into one it is always good to have an escape plan. |
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Sorrow - 3 mana Combat - Curse Sorrow gives the target maximum negative morale. Why are you fighting? You have no chance of winning. You barely know how to lift a sword, much less use it! Why not give up? |
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Unholy Song - 3 mana Combat - Curse Unholy Song causes all Life targets to do 20% less damage and decreases their Melee and Ranged Defense by 20%. I've seen monks try to cover their ears when they hear these haunting notes, but they just don't understant that your soul doesn't need ears to hear. |
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Weakness - 3 mana Combat - Curse Weakness causes the target to do 25% less damage in combat. Most of those heroic types rely on their muscles to settle their problems. Sometimes, those muscles can give you problems! |
Level 3
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Aura of Fear - 5 mana Combat - Blessing Aura of Fear is cast on a friendly target, so enemy opponents cannot retaliate against the friendly target's attacks unless they are immune to Death, Fear or Mind spells. They don't understand it, but their arms go rubbery and their throats constrict. Suddenly, I am their greatest fear, I love it! |
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Magic Leech - 5 mana Combat - Curse Magic Leech causes any spell cast by the target to cost double the spell points. Also, the caster of Magic Leech gains 1 spell point per 2 spell points used by target. This will make that sorcerer think twice about casting Lightning Bolt! |
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Mass Cancellation - 5 mana Combat - Curse Mass Cancellation removes all beneficial spells from all enemy targets. Their leader was cutting through my troops with his glowing sword. He was so laden with enchantments that we couldn't touch him. And then my necromancer finally joined the fray. |
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Mass Curse - 5 mana Combat - Curse Mass Curse causes all enemy targets to do minimum damage. They ran me out like some common crook! They hit me with rocks, and spat on me. How dare they? Well, they'll pay. They'll ALL pay! |
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Plague - 5 mana Combat - Curse/Direct Damage Damage: 16 + 1.5 dmg/level + Demonology Plague causes all targets on the Combat Map, friend or foe, to come down with a deadly damaging disease. It has no effect on non-living or Death targets. Sickness always cripples an army, unless that army is already dead. |
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Raise Ghost - 5 mana Combat - Summoning Power: 6 + 0.25 units/demonology Raises a number of ghosts based on the caster's level from any stack of dead creatures. The number of raised ghosts cannot exceed either the hit points or number of the creatures. All ghosts vanish after combat ends. Trap their spirits to fight for you before they can flee the battlefield. |
Level 4
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Death Call - 8 mana Combat - Summoning Power: 99 + 9hp/level + Demonology Death Call targets a friendly or enemy target with dead creature, raising a number of creature based on the level of the caster. These raised creatures are placed under the control of the caster and vanish after combat. The Undead attacked us from the rear! But only our own dead were behind us… |
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Mass Sorrow - 8 mana Combat - Curse Mass Sorrow causes all enemy targets to have maximum negative morale. I was on a wall when sieging army threw down their weapons and turned away. Some of them were weeping. The battle was over - for them. |
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Mass Weakness - 8 mana Combat - Curse Mass Weakness causes all enemy targets to do 25% less damage in combat. Endurance and strength are important in battle. The army that weakens first usually loses. I just help it along a little. |
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Vampiric Touch - 8 mana Combat - Blessing Vampiric Touch cause a friendly target to gain 1 hit point for every 2 hit points of damage they inflict. Everyone loves vampires, and sometimes they want to know what's it's like to be one. |
Level 5
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Hand of Death - 12 mana Combat - Direct Damage Power: 1 + 0.0625 units/level + Demonology Hand of Death instantly kills a number of opponents based on the level of the caster. The target must be within the line of sight of the caster. What does it feel like when my hand closes tightly around your heart? It tries to beat, but your heart is under my control now! |
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Raise Vampires - 12 mana Combat - Summoning Power: 2 + 0.1 units/level + Demonology Raises a number of vampires based on the caster's level from any stack of dead creatures. Raised vampires cannot exceed the total hit points or number of the dead creatures. Vampires vanish after the battle. There's too much blood in the world anyway! |
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Sacrifice - 12 mana Combat - Blessing First, Sacrifice destroys a friendly creature. Then the caster selects a second friendly target who will recover twice the hit points of the destroyed creature. The lives of my troops are there for taking, to be used how I best see fit. |
Thanks to Lich (Guardian's Grove Admin, Heroes Community Moderator) for the images
and to The_Hydra (Heroes 5 Content Admin, Heroes Community Moderator) for the overview, spells data and HTML processing.