Elwin and Shaera Heroes 4 Campaign

Scenario 3 - True Love

Map Difficulty: Intermediate.
Map Size: Medium, no underground.
Victory Condition: Costruct the Mirror of True Love.
Loss Condition: Lose the Elwin hero.
Carryover: Elwin and all of his skills, spells, experience and Breeze, the Falcon, will carry over to the next map. All of your heroes have a maximum level of 28.

I understand my father's fears. I recall a time when he laughed as he rolled on the grass with me, when he sang to my mother. He loved her dearly, perhaps as much as Elwin and I love each other. And then he lost her. I understand his sorrow, but why can't he see my love for Elwin?

Elwin embarks on a quest to prove his worth to Shaera's father, only to be betrayed by Lord Harke. Forced to become a criminal in the eyes of the Elven Court, Elwin battles Harke's loyal troops while forging an artifact that will reveal who is really Shaera's true love.