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Rangers are warriors born of the woods, skilled at hunting and tracking. Their dedication to the protection of the wilderness leads them to pursue a wide range of knowledge, concentrating on martial and outdoors skills.

Clancy - Dwarf Male Ranger
Skills: Basic Resistance, Basic Pathfinding
Specialty:Clancy increases the Attack and Defense skills of any Unicorns or War Unicorns he commands for each level he attains after the 6th level.
Biography: It was by pure accident that Clancy discovered he could communicate with Unicorns, but this unique ability has served him well as he worked his way through the ranks of the AvLee Military's Elite.

Ivor - Elf Male Ranger
Skills: Basic Archery, Basic Offense
Specialty: Ivor increases the Attack and Defense skills of any Wood Elves or Grand Elves he commands for each level he attains after the 3rd level.
Biography: Ivor's lineage can be traced back nearly to the Silence. Though bred as nobility, he has always been a hothead, preferring to lead an attack rather than wait to be attacked. His brashness has so far kept him alive.

Jenova - Elf Female Ranger
Skills: Advanced Archery
Specialty:Jenova's presence allows the Kingdom she serves to receive an additional 350 gold per day.
Biography: Jenova's kindhearted nature has made her well liked throughout much of Erathia. Her beguiling charms have allowed her to raise money for whatever cause she chooses to follow.

Kyrre - Elf Female Ranger
Skills: Basic Archery, Basic Logistics
Specialty:Kyrre receives a 5% per level bonus to her Logistics skill.
Biography: Kyrre served as a scout during the initial defense of AvLee from the Kreegan attacks. Her ability to navigate difficult terrain allowed her to excel in her duties.

Mephala - Human Female Ranger
Skills: Basic Leadership, Basic Armorer
Specialty: Mephala receives a 5% per level bonus to her Armorer skill.
Biography: Trained in the ranks of the Erathian Military, Mephala was a genius when it came to using terrain to her advantage in battle. She resigned her comission several years ago, preferring the quiet serenity of the AvLee to the bustle of the cities of Erathia.

Ryland - Human Male Ranger
Skills: Basic Leadership, Basic Diplomacy
Specialty: Ryland increases the Attack and Defense skills of any Dendroid Guards or Soldiers he commands for each level he attains after the 5th level.
Biography: Ryland was the first (and to date, the only) human ever fully accepted by the Circle of Elder Treefolk as a Ranger of the AvLee. Some joke that he was once an Elf, but that he was killed and accidentally reincarnated into a human's body.

Thorgrim - Dwarf Male Ranger
Skills: Advanced Magic Resistance
Specialty:Thorgrim receives a 5% per level bonus to his Resistance skill.
Biography: Orphaned as a child, Thorgrim was raised in the northernmost forests of AvLee. He became known throughout the land for his exceptional ability to resist magics of all kinds.

Ufretin - Dwarf Male Ranger
Skills: Basic Resistance, Basic Luck
Specialty:Ufretin increases the Attack and Defense skills of any Dwarves of Battle Dwarves he commands for each level he attains after the 2nd level.
Biography: It is unusual to see a Dwarven Ranger, but for Ufretin the skills came naturally. He has become an icon to the surface-dwelling dwarven population, and a natural born leader among all dwarvenkind.
Druids are mystics who draw their power from a harmonic relationship with the land. While they pursue their mystical knowledge, their outdoor living causes them to acquire a balance of physical skills. Druids only wear clothing of natural materials.

Aeris - Elf Male Druid
Skills: Basic Wisdom, Basic Scouting
Specialty:Aeris increases the Attack and Defense skills of any Pegasi or Silver Pegasi he commands for each level he attains after the 4th level.
Biography: Aeris is one of the best animal handlers in all of AvLee. He can sense ideal pairings between elves and pegasi which have made him one of the most sought out Druids in the land.

Alagar - Human Male Druid
Skills: Basic Wisdom, Basic Sorcery
Specialty:Alagar's proficiency with the Ice Bolt spell allows him to cast it with increased effect, based on his level compared to the level of the target unit. (greater bonus on weaker units)
Biography: Rumored to have once lived among the Vori Snow Elves, Alagar's command of the element of Water, especially ice, is unsurpassed. He has served the AvLee since before the Kreegan invasion.

Coronius - Human Male Druid
Skills: Basic Wisdom, Basic Scholar
Specialty: Coronius's proficiency with the Slayer spell allows him to cast it with increased effect, based on his level compared to the level of the target unit. (greater bonus on weaker units)
Biography: Coronius attended the University of Erathia for one semester before he realized that acedemics were overrated. He left Erathia for AvLee, finding a Druid who could teach by example.

Elleshar - Elf Male Druid
Skills: Basic Wisdom, Basic Initelligence
Specialty: Elleshar receives a 5% per level bonus to his Intelligence skill.
Biography: Elleshar is perhaps the brightest student of magic ever seen in AvLee. If he maintains his abilities over the next several decades, he will likely be the youngest Druid ever to be accepted into the Circle of Elders.

Gem - Human Female Druid
Skills: Basic Wisdom, Basic First Aid
Specialty: Gem receives a 5% per level bonus to her First Aid skill.
Biography: Gem was one of the greatest Sorceresses that Enroth had ever seen, serving King Roland Ironfist during the Succession Wars. Shortly after Roland had secured the throne of Enroth, Gem left for Erathia, finding a new home in AvLee.

Malcom - Dwarf Male Druid
Skills: Basic Wisdom, Basic Eagle Eye
Specialty: Malcom receives a 5% per level bonus to his Eagle Eye skill.
Biography: Malcom is one of the few Dwarves to show a natural aptitude for magic. Often he can learn new spells merely by watching someone else cast them just once. He was quickly pressed into service defending AvLee from the Devils of Eeofol.

Melodia - Elf Female Druid
Skills: Basic Wisdom, Basic Luck
Specialty: Melodia's proficiency with the Fortune spell allows her to cast it with increased effect, based on his level compared to the level of the target unit. (greater bonus on weaker units)
Biography: Melodia may not be the most highly skilled Druid ever seen in AvLee, but she is certainly the luckiest. Even in the face of insurmountable odds she has managed to achieve miraculous victories. Troops gladly volunteer to serve in any army she leads.

Uland - Dwarf Male Druid
Skills: Advanced Wisdom, Basic Ballistics
Specialty: Uland's proficiency with the Cure spell allows him to cast it with increased effect, based on his level compared to the level of the target unit. (greater bonus on weaker units)
Biography: Uland spent a great deal of his life as a battlefield healer before choosing to follow the path of a Druid, but the lessons he learned serving in the military have made him into an excellent leader today.