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BUILDING A TOWN The Town Screen is displayed when one of your heroes enters one of your towns. You may also double-click on a town’s Town Selector button on the Adventure Map to display its Town Screen. Towns serve your cause in several ways. Towns act as recruitment centers for heroes and the troops making up your heroes’ armies. After one day, your heroes replenish their spell points and learn new spells from towns with mage guilds. At towns with marketplaces, you can trade surplus resources for resources in short supply. Town halls provide you with daily gold income. Buildings unique to each of the Heroes III game’s eight town types can provide your forces with additional strengths and abilities. Over time, you may spend resources to build new structures in your towns and upgrade existing ones to increase the benefits the towns provide you. Because they are so useful to players, the conquest and defense of towns plays a major role in any successful game strategy. Towns can be defended through the building of fortifications, walls, arrow towers, and a moat, and by filling their garrisons with defending troops, which may be lead by garrison stationed heroes. Additionally, a hero visiting a town will lend their army to the town’s defense, forcing an attacker to fight the visiting hero’s army before facing the town’s garrison forces. Town View All of the buildings currently built in a town are displayed in the Town View. As you move the cursor around the Town View, individual buildings are highlighted (if Town Building Outlines is turned on in the Adventure Map System Options). Buildings are identified by text appearing in the Rollover Bar. Right-clicking on a highlighted building displays text describing the building’s benefits. Clicking on a highlighted building displays a menu appropriate to each building as described below. You may switch the view to a different town by clicking on the town’s portrait in the Town Selector. Hall Each town has a hall. Starting with a village hall, you may upgrade this building to a town hall, then a city hall, then finally, a capitol. Each version provides you with a daily gold income and the ability to order the construction of other town buildings. When you click on a hall, the Hall Screen appears. On it you can order the construction of new town structures or upgrade existing structures. If you can build or upgrade a given structure, its name appears in a green box. If the structure is not yet built, and you are unable to construct it for some reason, then a red X appears in the lower right corner of its picture, and its name box is red. Structures you have already built, and cannot be upgraded further, have a gold 4 in their pictures and a gold name box. You may right-click a building’s picture to display the information found in that structure’s Build Confirmation Window. Text describes what benefits your town gains when the structure is built, along with a list of structures you must build in the town before you will be allowed to construct it. The resource cost of the structure is displayed below this text. To construct a building, click on its picture. Its Build Confirmation Window will be displayed. You may click the Don’t Build button to cancel, or the Build button to order the building’s construction. When you build a structure, the Hall Screen closes and you are returned to the Town Screen, where you see your new structure being built. Your town immediately benefits from it. Only one structure per day may be built in each of your towns. Tavern Click on a town’s tavern to display the Tavern Window. In the tavern you can hear rumors, recruit heroes, and view intelligence on your enemies gathered by your Thieves’ Guild. Close the Tavern Window by clicking the Exit Tavern button.
Creatures who live in towns live in creature dwellings. Each week, the population of these dwellings grows, increasing the number of creatures available at the dwelling which you may recruit into the town’s garrison. Click on a creature dwelling to display the dwelling’s Creature Recruitment Box. The name of the dwelling’s creatures, a portrait of the troop type available, and the number of troops available are shown. As you move the slider to the right, the number of recruits increases, and the cost to recruit them is tallied. You may click the Maximum button to recruit all of the available troops or the maximum number of troops you can currently afford. Click the Recruit button to add the recruits to your town garrison. Fort A fort may be built in a town, which adds to the town’s siege defenses. The fort may be upgraded to a citadel, and then to a castle. Click on this structure to display a summary of the town’s troop recruitment availability for all creatures. Mage Guild Heroes learn new spells from towns with mage guilds. You may build a first level mage guild in each of your towns. Mage guilds may be upgraded, level-by-level, up to fifth level in some towns. As you build each level, a random selection of spells becomes available at the guild. Clicking on a mage guild displays the spells available. If the visiting hero doesn’t own a spell book, you may purchase one for him or her by clicking on the mage guild. For more information, see Magic System. Marketplace You can trade surplus resources for needed ones at marketplaces. Clicking on a town’s marketplace brings up the Marketplace Window. One side displays your kingdom’s resources. On the other side, are the resources available at the market. Highlight the resource you want to trade, and the resource you want to trade for. When two resources are highlighted, you may move the slider to the right to increase the quantity of the resource to be traded. You may trade the maximum amount of your selected resource by clicking the Maximum button. To complete the transaction, click the Trade button. Each marketplace you control reduces the costs of trading. When a scenario map is created, the map maker can create alliances between players. Using the Marketplace, you can give resources to your enemies or allies. To do this, click on the Trade With Player button. When you do this, a display of colored flags replaces the Market Resources portion of the Marketplace Trade Window. Choose which resource you want to give, and set the amount using the slider. Click the flag of the player you want to give the resources to, and then click the Trade button to confirm the gift. In Tower and Dungeon town types, the marketplace can be upgraded by building an artifact merchant. When you build this upgrade, you can trade artifacts for resources, and resources for artifacts. To do this, click the Trade Artifacts button. A selection of artifacts will be displayed, this selection will be the same for all of your artifact merchants. Click the artifact you want to purchase. The cost for the artifact will appear under all of the Kingdom Resources icons. Choose which resource you wish to trade and then click the Trade button to complete the purchase. Click the Sell Artifact button to sell artifacts carried by the visiting hero. The hero’s inventory will appear. Click the artifact you want to trade, select the resource you want to trade for, and then click the Trade button. In Stronghold towns, you can build a Freelancer’s Guild as a marketplace upgrade. When it is built, you can trade the visiting hero’s armies for resources. To do so, click the Sell Creature button. The Kingdom Resources icons will be replaced by a display of the visiting hero’s troops. Click the troop containing creatures you want to sell, then click the resource you want to trade for. Set the number of creatures you want to sell using the slider, and then click the Trade button to make the sale. Town Garrison Each town can have an army stationed in its town garrison. This army can be composed of up to seven troops, which may be moved, split, combined, or dismissed. When you recruit troops from a creature dwelling, they appear as a troop in an empty garrison troop slot. When a hero visits a town, their troops may be traded with those found in the town’s garrison. You can make the visiting hero the leader of a town’s garrison by moving the hero into the garrison. To do this, click on the hero’s portrait to highlight it, and then click on the banner to the left of the first garrison troop slot. The hero’s army will be combined with the garrison army, and the hero will now lead the army in defense of the city. You may swap the visiting and garrisoned heroes, and their armies, by highlighting either hero and clicking the other. Garrison troops and troops belonging to a visiting hero can be upgraded. If a town contains an upgraded creature dwelling, the lesser creature troop of the same creature type provided by the dwelling, may be upgraded for a price. To do this, double-click on the troop you wish to upgrade. This will bring up that creature's information display. Click on the Upgrade button to show the upgrade cost for the troop. This cost will equal the difference between the recruitment costs of the lesser and higher creatures, multiplied by the number of creatures in the troop. Click CheckMark to pay the cost, or the Cancel button to cancel. |
Thanks to The Nether Gods team for the contents of this page!