| ||||||
Centaur's Ax - right hand - treasure +2 attack skill |
Shield of the Dwarven Lords - left hand - treasure +2 defence skill | ||
Blackshard of the Dead Knight - right hand - minor +3 attack skill |
Shield of the Yawning Dead - left hand - minor +3 defence skill | ||
Greater Gnoll's Flail - right hand - minor +4 attack skill |
Buckler of the Gnoll King - left hand - minor +4 defence skill | ||
Ogre's Club of Havoc - right hand - major +5 attack skill |
Targ of the Rampaging Ogre - left hand - major +5 defence skill | ||
Sword of Hellfire - right hand - major +6 attack skill |
Shield of the Damned - left hand - major +6 defence skill | ||
Titan's Gladius - right hand - relic +12 attack skill, -3 defence skill |
Sentinel's Shield - left hand - relic +12 defence skill, -3 attack skill |
Breastplate of Petrified Wood - torso - treasure +1 spell power |
Helm of the Alabaster Unicorn - head - treasure +1 knowledge | ||
Rib Cage - torso - minor +2 spell power |
Skull Helmet - head - treasure +2 knowledge | ||
Scales of the Greater Basilisk - torso - minor +3 spell power |
Helm of Chaos - head - minor +3 knowledge | ||
Tunic of the Cyclops King - torso - major +4 spell power |
Crown of the Supreme Magi - head - minor +4 knowledge | ||
Breastplate of Brimstone - torso - major +5 spell power |
Hellstorm Helmet - head - major +5 knowledge | ||
Titan's Cuiras - torso - relic +10 spell power, -2 knowledge |
Thunder Helmet - head - relic +10 knowledge, -2 spell power |